Jordi Muñoz

Political science. University of Barcelona

My teaching has mostly been dedicated to quantitative methods and political behaviour. I have thaught different courses on these topics, as well as comparative politics and introductory political science at several institutions (UB, UAB, UPF, ESADE, UOC, IBEI).

I am now the PI of a project of pedagogical innovation oriented towards re-thinking the teaching of quantitative methods to social science undergraduate students (QUANTPOL)

Thesis supervision


  1. Sergi Ferrer (2022) Party systems and the functioning of democracy
  2. Pau Vall (2022) The Political Economy of Regional Elite Splits
  3. Sofia Breitenstein (2020) Corruption and voting behavior
  4. Jordi Garcia Muniesa Crisis and Preferences for redistribution
  5. Roberto Pannico (Currently at ICS-Lisbon) Dissertation: Party cues and citizens’ attitudes toward the European Union
  6. Ramon Canal (Currently Ajuntament de Barcelona) Dissertation: Alcaldes i alcaldesses en temps difícils: els mites del municipalisme progressista davant la crisi i la recentralització
Quantitative Methods
Political Behaviour
Comparative politics