Presenting the data

  • Presenting your results

    The focus of the results section is not the writing, but the data. This part of the Llibre d’estil looks briefly at the different ways you can present your results in the text, in tables and figures.  

    If your results can be summarized clearly and easily in just a few words, then do this. Give a quick explanation and include the data in brackets.  

    Exemple adequatThe differences between the OSR and the OSMAnd clone routing searches were minimal (14 m and 8 m). (Adapted from Cuadrat, 2012  )

  • Tables and figures  

    Your experiments will have produced a series of data that need organizing. The easiest way to organize these data is to prepare tables and figures. Tables and figures should present your data in a way that they are self-explanatory. In other words, they should be able to stand alone without any accompanying text and still be easily understood by your readers.  

    Likewise, once you have produced your tables and figures, you should be able to see a logical sequence that will help you explain the key results. This sequence can then be used to number your tables and figures. The numbering is separate for tables and figures, i.e., Table 1, Table 2, etc., and Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. (and not Table 1, Figure 2, Table 3, etc.).  

    You need to identify your tables and figures clearly with legends. They go above tables, and below figures. These legends should be short, but clear and comprehensive. They must explain what data the reader will find.  

    Exemple adequatTable 1. Values monitored in the testing (CPU load, memory use, time per search, and quality of the route) for each data file, each case, and online/offline status (Adapted from Cuadrat, 2012  )

    You must refer to all the tables and figures in your text. If you include a table or figure, it must serve some purpose; do not add a table or figure if it is not going to back up (or refute) your hypothesis. When you refer to them, use Table X and Fig. Y, respectively. In other words, abbreviate the word figure, but not table.
Darrera actualització: 26-6-2023
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Recommended citation:
«Presenting the data» [en línia]. A: Llibre d’estil de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics. <> [consulta: 19 maig 2024].
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