Make direct statements

Avoid unnecessary introductions to sentences.

Exemple no admissibleAs far as plans for overcoming poverty are concerned, they must include cultural development.

Exemple no admissibleWith regard to personal data processing, it has been legislated for in Article 6.

The two constructions used above (as far as ... is concerned and with regard to) call attention to a topic that has probably been mentioned at least once in the preceding text and is repeated later in the same sentence in pronominal form (they and it, respectively). Your sentences will be more concise and more easily understood if you make direct statements by using the topic as the subject of the verb in the main clause.

Exemple adequatPlans for overcoming poverty must include cultural development.

Exemple adequatPersonal data processing has been legislated for in Article 6.
Darrera actualització: 6-4-2022
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Recommended citation:
«Make direct statements» [en línia]. A: Llibre d’estil de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics. <> [consulta: 19 setembre 2024].
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