Socio-political participation of young people from a gender perspective: conceptual, methodological and educational contributions
This project has been carried out with the funding of:
This project is part of challenge 6: Challenge Social sciences and humanities and sciences with and for society R & D & I projects; Research challenges of the State R & D & I Program Oriented towards the challenges of society (State Plan for Science and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020).
The approach we propose has among its objectives to comply with the so-called for the incorporation of a gender perspective. The study focuses on deepening the political participation of young people from a gender perspective. Its ultimate purpose is to provide conceptual, methodological and socio-educational elements on political participation from a gender perspective, of young people aged 18 to 35 involved in participatory processes.
In relation to the proposed purpose, the study pursues the following general objectives:
- Understand the socio-educational experiences of political participation from a gender perspective of young people between 18 and 35 years old.
- Contribute to the systematized reflection on the application of principles linked to the RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation).
- Determine political participation from a gender perspective of young people aged 18 to 35 involved in participatory processes.
To respond to the project objectives, we use the mutimethod approach; which takes the form of a phenomenological study and a survey of dialogic/participatory creation that varies depending on the stage of the project. Depending on the stage of the study, we make use of techniques for collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative information.
Expected results
Among the main expected results of the project we highlight:
– A greater understanding of the study phenomenon from a comprehensive (qualitative) and descriptive and inferential (quantitative) point of view.
– The creation and validation of a questionnaire built participatively / dialogically.
– Socio-educational proposals to include the gender perspective in the participation of young people.
– A methodological meta-reflection that will contribute to one of the dimensions of the RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation).
The planned dissemination plan includes the contribution in high-impact scientific forums, as well as the internationalization of the results obtained and their process, prioritizing open access publications.
The transfer to the company will be done through:
- A PodCast Channel
- Video capsules that collect key conclusions and results subtitled in English and sign language
- Video animation where key concepts of the results are collected
- The creation of an informative book written by the members of the project and the key informants of the research
- An informative day in non-academic space
- The presentation of results in a ‘Teaching Salon’
- The project website
Researchers involved