Participació d’infants i adolescents:
un estudi de cas al
Consell de nois i noies
de l’Hospitalet de Llobregat

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Recerca avaluativa
del programa d'atenció integral
a dones i fills i filles
víctimes de violència de gènere.

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Diversitat cultural
i igualtat d’oportunitats
en l’escola

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Trajectòries d’èxit en l’alumnat
de la E.S.O. a la Postobligatòria:
un estudi longitudinal
des de l’enfocament de xarxes

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We are GREDI, the intercultural education research group.
Our main areas of research are:


We carry out research and commissioned projects on participatory processes to improve social cohesion, inclusion, and individual and collective empowerment.


We carry out research on contemporary expressions of violence, such as cyber violence, and raise awareness to integrate a gender perspective in institutions, programmes and services.


We carry out research on skills, dynamics and issues of intercultural and interreligious relevance, particularly among minority and vulnerable groups.


We apply epistemologies and methodologies for transformative research through approaches and techniques such as feminist research methodology (FRM), participatory methods (PMs), social network analysis (SNA), and responsible research and innovation (RRI).

Funding entities:

International profile

We welcome contact and interaction with other research groups and universities in Spain and abroad. We have travelled. We have opened our doors to colleagues from elsewhere. We have done many things alongside others, created networks and forged lasting friendships.
We have developed such relationships in both formal and informal settings. Our universities participate in different programmes in which we have established academic relations and carried out joint research projects and training programmes, including at PhD level. Our desire to educate, transform and innovate has always lain at the heart of our investigative spirit.

Doctoral and postdoctoral programs

Our research group has frequently welcomed people who are carrying out their doctoral thesis in one of our lines of research and doctoral professionals who wish to carry out their postdoctoral work with us. We participate as researchers in different doctoral programs at the University of Barcelona and the Rovira i Virgili University.

We are part of:

We collaborate with:

We are: