About IBUB
Created in September 2006, the Institute of Biomedicine of the University of Barcelona (IBUB) conducts basic research and provides an interactive framework for scientists from different fields to conduct multidisciplinary integrated research in biomedicine.
Presentation and mission
IBUB’s objectives
Generate knowledge of biological systems using an integrative approach to identify objectives in therapy and the design of bioactive molecules with therapeutic potential.
Generate advances in the quality of the community’s living standards and of public health, promoting this at an international level and with a framework based on sustainability and high ethical standards.
Act as a quality centre for biomedical research training, so maintaining the Institute’s founding mission as an entity that brings together UB researchers from the university’s Faculties of Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy and Food Sciences.
IBUB’s personnel
The Institute is directed by the IBUB Management Council, which consists of a director accompanied by a standing committee of assessors, representatives of the Institute’s researchers, and representatives of other IBUB personnel. The Institute also has a Scientific Council formed by leading scientists in the field of biomedicine who act as external assessors of the IBUB’s scientific activities.
The IBUB is located in the city of Barcelona in Pedrables, on the University of Barcelona’s Diagonal Campus Gateway to Knowledge—the area of Barcelona that is home to the highest concentration of research activity and knowledge transfer in Southern Europe. The Institute’s activities are conducted within the complex that includes the UB’s Scientific and Technical Services (SCT), the Barcelona Science Park, the research centres of the Technical University of Catalonia, and the UB’s own faculties for experimental and life sciences. Today, this part of the city is a focal point for European knowledge and knowledge transfer activity, a busy place where new biomedical research is making its mark and drawing from the scientific, humanistic and artistic culture that Barcelona offers as a European capital of the twenty-first century.
Scientific Advisory Board
Prof. Andrea Cavalli – University of Bologna and Italian Istitute of Tecnology
Prof. Imogen Coe – Ryerson University
Prof. Hannelore Daniel – Technical University of Munich
Dr. Martin Drysdale – Neophore, London
Dra. Mireia Gómez-Angelats – Novartis, Basel