Research Program Metabolismand cellplasticity Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of CancerSilvia BusquetsNutritional Cell SignalingDiego Haro/Pedro MarreroDevelopment and Regeneration BiologyEmili Saló/Josep Francesc Abril/Teresa Adell/Francesc CebriaGut microbiota-host interactionLaura Baldomà/Josefa BadíaIntegrative Systems Biology, Metabolomics and CancerMarta CascanteLipid Metabolism in Obesity, Diabetes and CancerDolors Serra/Laura HerreroMetabolic dynamics in CancerCarlos Sebastián Molecular basis of metabolic pathologies and associated to membrane transportersMaribel Hernández/Anna GumàMolecular CardiologyAnna PlanavilaMolecular metabolism and diseaseFrancesc Villarroya/Marta GiraltMolecular Neuropharmacology Vicent CasadóMolecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (MPET)Marçal Pastor-AngladaMolecular Physiology LaboratoryAntonio Felipe CampoStem Cells and NeurodegenerationAntonella Consiglio Stem Cells, Development and Disease LabAnna Sevilla HernándezStem Cells in Inflammation and Cancer (POM/SIC)Paloma Ordóñez MoránNitrogen-ObesityXavier RemesarNuclear Receptors in metabolism, immune responses and cancerAnnabel Valledor/Carmen CaellesStructural Biology of Human Nuclear ReceptorsEva Estébanez-PerpiñàWT1 in cell plasticityOfelia M. Martínez Humangeneticsand disease Comparative genomics of gene expression labMarco MariottiDevelopmental Biology and Genomics GroupMontserrat Corominas/Florenci SerrasEnvironmental Risk factors related to mental disorders and the GxExD interaction ModelLourdes Fañanás Evolution and Development (Evo-Devo)Jordi Garcia FernándezGenetics and Genomics of Neural wiringMarta MoreyGenetics of Cell Behaviour in DevelopmentSofia J. Araújo Human Molecular GeneticsSusana Balcells/Bru CormandMolecular genetics of retinal inherited dystrophiesGemma Marfany Drug andTargetDiscovery Barril & Galdeano Lab. Computational Biology and Drug Design GroupXavier Barril/Carles GaldeanoBioimaging, Bioconjugation, Structural Studies and Therapeutic Applications involving Small Molecules, Peptides and OligonucleotidesVicente MarchánComputational Biology, Chemistry and GastronomyF. Javier LuqueGroup of Medicinal Chemistry for Unmet Medical NeedsCarmen EscolanoMultitarget anti-Alzheimer and chemotherapeutic compoundsDiego Muñoz TorreroNeurotoxicity and Neuropharmacology of amphetamine derivativesJordi Camarasa New Chemical Methodologies for Facilitated Biology-Oriented SynthesisRodolfo LavillaNuclear Receptors, Energy Metabolism and Therapy of Metabolic DiseasesJoan Carles Laguna Egea/Marta Alegret JordàPharmacological targets in inflammation and metabolic diseasesManuel Vázquez CarreraPhysico-chemical characterization and estimation of the biological activity of bioactive compoundsMartí RosésPolycyclic Compounds with Biological ActivitySantiago VázquezSINTEFARMA (Research and Development Center of Organic Synthesis for Chemical and Pharmaceutical Companies)Joan Bosch/Mercedes Amat Stereselective Synthesis of Antitumoral and Antiviral CompoundsAnna M. Costa/Jaume VilarrasaSynthesis and applications of cyclometallated compoundsJaume GranellSynthetic Methodology and Natural Product SynthesisJosep BonjochSMBioCom – SSNPJordi García Gómez