MIELES Course Evaluation Wrap Up

Last 12 August 2019 MIELES’ partners gathered at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) in Chennai, India to present and discuss the learning outcomes and evaluation of results from KTH and TU Berlin online courses offered via the NPTEL platform. Administrative and technical staff from NPTEL, people using NPTEL platform and other faculty members […]

Pilot projects

In order to facilitate knowledge sharing within India but also between India and Europe, a series of pilots are taking place using NPTEL as a the main platform to launch them. Partners are having the opportunity to design and test a real join activity under the NPTEL platform making the experience available and tested to […]

MULTIPLIER EFFECT WORKSHOP: CHENNAI (Online Workshop) – India-EU collaboration in e-learning

⇒ Check out the complete video “MIELES & NPTEL program disseminates opportunities of EU-India cooperation”.  As part of the MIELES dissemination strategy, last 4th July 2019 NPTEL in collaboration with KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), organized in Chennai (India), the LIVE online event “Indo-EU Collaboration in online education”. The aim of this gathering was […]

Report on Focus Groups

As a result of the three focus groups, a report was produced highlighting the main discussion points during these meetings. To dowload the report, please click here. The report presents the main topics as obtained though the discussions and the presentations. The main topics were the following: • Infrastructure, internet connectivity, speed, tools available, etc. […]

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