CO2Advices: How to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Starting on September 2020 till November 2020, we published through our Twitter account a series of Ecotips on the carbon footprint of the University of Barcelona, with proposals to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. We think it is a good idea to summarize them in this post. Below you will find them compiled:


  1. Prioritise walking or cycling, and longer journeys by public transport.
  2. If you have to travel by car, you can share your trip to make it more fun, reduce costs and emissions.
  3. If we travel by train instead of by plane on journeys of less than 1,000 km, the UB could avoid the emission of 328 tons of CO2 per year.
  4. If you have to travel, consider attending meetings or workshops via videoconference.
  5. When our day is over, we should not forget to turn off the computer, lights and non-essential equipment.
  6. In summer, if you open the windows located in different facades, there will be a natural air flow that will allow you to have a good thermal comfort without using the air conditioning.
  7. If you have the heating on in your home, do not leave windows open. To ventilate, 10 minutes is enough (in other areas, follow the instructions that have been established in agreement with the health authorities).
  8. Remember to make good use and maintenance of air conditioning equipment, refrigerators and freezers.
  9. Do you know at what temperature you have to set the air conditioning? In summer, it should not be less than 26°C. In summer, it should not be less than 26°C. In winter, it should not exceed 21°C.
  10. By using reusable products we can considerably reduce the amount of waste we generate.
  11. Look for the nearest selective collection “clean point” in your center to separate waste fractions and recycle correctly.
  12. Don’t forget to turn off the tap once you’ve finished washing your hands!
  13. Notify if you detect any water leaks, even if it’s just a dripping tap.
  14. If we use recycled paper instead of white paper, we can avoid emitting 1.6 kg of CO2 per 500-sheet package.
  15. Paper has two sides! The other side of the paper can be used as a draft.
  16. Every time we don’t print we avoid consuming energy, water and other resources … And we reduce CO2 emissions.
CO2Advises: What is the carbon footprint of the University of Barcelona? How can we reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
CO2nsell 1: Prioritza desplaçar-te a peu o en bici, i en desplaçaments més llargs en transport públic.
CO2nsell 2: Si t’has de desplaçar en cotxe, pots compartir el teu viatge per fer-lo més amè i reduir despeses i emissions.
CO2nsell 3: Si viatgem en tren en lloc d’anar amb avió en els trajectes de menys de 1.000 km, la UB podria evitar l’emissió de 328 tones de CO2 anuals.
CO2nsell 4: Si t’has de desplaçar, considera assistir a les reunions o jornades a través de videoconferència.
CO2nsell 5: Quan acaba la nostra jornada no ens hem d’oblidar d’apagar l’ordinador, els llums i els aparells no imprescindibles.
CO2nsell 6: A l’estiu, si obres finestres situades en diferents façanes, crearàs una circulació natural d’aire que et permetrà tenir un bon confort tèrmic sense necessitat de climatitzadors.
CO2nsell 7: Si tens la calefacció engegada a casa teva, no et deixis finestres obertes. To ventilate, 10 minutes is enough (in other areas, follow the instructions that have been established in agreement with the health authorities).
CO2nsell 8: Recorda fer un bon ús i manteniment dels equips de climatització, neveres, refrigeradors i congeladors.
CO2nsell 9: Tens clar a quina temperatura has de posar els aparells de climatització? In summer, it should not be less than 26°C. A l’hivern, no ha de superar 21ºC.
CO2nsell 10: Fent ús de productes reutilitzables podem reduir considerablement la quantitat de residus que generem.
CO2nsell 11: Busca al teu centre el punt net de recollida selectiva més proper per separar les fraccions de residus i reciclar correctament.
CO2nsell 12: No t’oblidis de tancar l’aixeta un cop t’hagis acabat de rentar les mans.
CO2nsell 13: Avisa si detectes qualsevol fuita d’aigua, encara que només sigui una aixeta que goteja.
CO2nsell 14: Si utilitzem paper reciclat en lloc de paper blanc, podem evitar emetre 1,6 kg de CO2 per cada paquet de 500 fulls.
CO2nsell 15: El paper té dues cares! L’altra cara del paper et pot servir com esborrany.
CO2nsell 16: Cada cop que no imprimim evitem el consum d’energia, aigua i altres recursos... i reduïm emissions de CO2.