SEMINARIS DE LA FACULTAT DE GEOLOGIA I L'INSTITUT DE CIÈNCIES DE LA TERRA 'JAUME ALMERA': "Study of the lithosphere in the Carpathian-Pannonian region based on integrated interpretation of gravity field"
A càrrec de: Dr. Miro Bielik Department of Applied and Enviromental Geophysics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Eslovàquia
The talk is divided into three parts. The first part will briefly be explaining the geology of the Carpathian-Pannonian region and its neo-Alpine evolution. This evolution is characterized by fragments as: subduction, slab rollback, slab detachment, lateral extrusion, collision microplates ALCAPA and Tisza-Dacie with European platform, stretching of overtrusted microplates and volcanism due to subduction and uplift of asthenosphere. The Carpathian arc is unique in providing a snapshot of a still active, soft collision between the Carpathian orogen and the European platform. The second part of the lecture will provide information on a constructing stripped gravity map in the Carpathian-Pannonian area, which goal is the research of deep seated lithospheric structure. It will be given the definition of the stripped gravity map, its calculation and interpretation of its main gravity anomalies. The last part will concentrate on 2D and 3D integrated modelling of the lithosphere in the Central Europe. 2D modelling is based on using of a program CAGES, while 3D modelling applies the software LitMod. The lithospheric transects crossing the Carpathian-Pannonian region and the Central Europe will be presented. A new map of the thermal lithospheric thickness in the study area will be also shown. By using the LitMod software the map of the thickness of the Tertiary sediments, map of the top lower crust, Moho map and map of the depth lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary were defined and will be presented. Based on our systematic complex and integrated geophysical interpretation the lithosphere in Central Europe can be divided into several main tectonic domains, characterized by distinct features.
Dia: Dimarts 17 de maig
Hora: 12:00 h
Lloc: Sala d'actes de l'Institut Jaume Almera