Message from the Dean

Message from the Dean

The University of Barcelona’s Faculty of Education was established on 4 September 2014 by merging the Faculty of Teacher Training and the Faculty of Pedagogy. Its broad course offering reflects and responds to a diverse professional reality in the field of education and social intervention. Though it has not existed for long in its current form, the Faculty of Education builds on the long history of the two faculties from which it was formed.

The Faculty of Education delivers EHEA bachelor’s degrees in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Social Education, Pedagogy, and Social Work; a double degree in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education; and postgraduate programmes, including university master’s degrees, doctoral degrees and other UB-specific degrees.

The Faculty is committed to providing training that aims for excellence. This is accomplished through a constantly evolving course offering that matches the needs and expectations of users and society as a whole, via knowledge transfer, and by maintaining an open relationship and ongoing dialogue with society.

Students undertaking studies at the Faculty generally have a vocation to contribute to society and to education. After graduating, many decide to continue their studies in third-cycle programmes, earning doctoral degrees that provide them with the skills to pursue a career in research.

Nearly all our teachers spend a significant proportion of their time on research and innovation and participate in national and international RDI projects. One of the distinguishing features of the Faculty is therefore the quality and quantity of innovation and research activity carried out, which is particularly noteworthy given that there is little tradition in this area in Spain.

Roser Boix Tomàs
