University of Barcelona

Information for the student – People and Team Management and Development in Organizations

Objectives and competences


The master's degree People and Teams Management and Development in Organizations targets the following learning objectives:

The specific objectives of the program are to teach students how to manage human resources within organizations, to recruit and select personnel and to manage individual and collective training in on-site and online environments, engaging and motivating individuals and teams to achieve organizational objectives. The program offers training in the design of management practices that will remain viable in the long term and that are respectful and responsible towards the organization's employees and society in general. The program also covers the basic financial and legal principles at work in different organizations, including non-profit organizations.


The master's degree will enable students to develop a range of specific competences, the most important of which are listed below:

  • Capacity to analyse individual and team needs and satisfaction in organizational contexts to contribute to the improvement of organizational processes.
  • Capacity to set challenging goals and objectives for the individuals and teams that make up an organization.
  • Capacity to evaluate psychological and psychosocial processes in organizational contexts.
  • Ability to evaluate situations and analyse positions, hazards, groups and interests.
  • Ability to define and develop products and services that contribute to the advancement of people and teams (for example, annual and performance evaluation systems).
  • Capacity to evaluate products and services for the management of people and teams (for example, utility analysis).
  • Participation in psychological and psychosocial processes in organizational contexts (for example, development of training plans, skills training, etc).
  • Capacity to intervene in the organizational structure (for example, designing or redesigning jobs or teams).
  • Capacity to implement new products or services.
  • Ability to use feedback as a basic tool for managing the individuals and teams in an organization.
  • Capacity to produce technical reports (for example, on the suitability of a candidate for a given position).