Introduction Objectives and competences Admission and pre-enrolment Recommended applicant profile and admission requirements Pre-enrolment Course curriculum Course curriculum Credit recognition Final project Career opportunities Support for studying Mobility Course plans and teaching staff Course plans Teaching staff Course details Information for prospective students
Subject Type Language Credits Specialization: General Health Psychology Addictions OP 2nd semester 3 Clinical Management of Emotional Disorders in Children and Adolescents OP 2nd semester 3 Clinical Management of Neurodevelopmental and Behavioural Disorders in Children and Adolescents OP 2nd semester 3 Final Project CM 1st semester 2nd semester 12 Institutional or Company Placement I CM 2nd semester 12 Institutional or Company Placement II CM 1st semester 2nd semester 18 Intervention in Anxiety and Affective Disorders CM 1st semester 5 Intervention in Health Psychology CM 2nd semester 5 Intervention in Neuropsychology CM 2nd semester 5 Intervention with Families and Carers OP 2nd semester 3 Perinatal Psychology OP 2nd semester 3 Personality Disorders OP 2nd semester 3 Promotion and Prevention in Health Psychology OP 2nd semester 3 Scientific and Professional Principles of Health Psychology CM 1st semester 6 Sexual Dysfunctions OP 2nd semester 3 Skills and Assessment Methods in Clinical Health Psychology CM 1st semester 5 Skills and Intervention Methods in Clinical Health Psychology CM 1st semester 5 Sleep Disorders OP 2nd semester 3 Therapeutic Skills of General Health Psychologists CM 1st semester 5