New publication: Teaching Discourse and Democratic Practices in the Math Class

Professor Joaquim Giménez Rodríguez (UB) has published, along with Yuly Vanegas (UB) and Ubiratan D’Ambrosio (USP) this article. Abstract: In this paper we present a characterization of mathematical practices, which we call democratic, taking into account the analysis of debates that have taken place in the development of a didactic unit of algebra with 12-13 years old students. We reflect

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The European Commission opens an online consultation to participate in shaping research and innovation priorities for the Horizon Europe programme (2021-2027)

The European Commission has opened an online consultation to drive a co-design process and receive feedback and input as part of the implementation of Horizon Europe, the EU’s research and innovation programme (2021-2027). This will ensure that Horizon Europe is oriented towards what really matters, improving everyday life and helping turn big social challenges into opportunities and innovation solutions. The

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Technology in the University (special issue of REDU)

Revista de Docencia Universitaria (REDU) has published a special issue, coordinated by Antonio Bartolomé (IRE.UB) and Maria Jesús Gallego (UGR), that analyzes the introduction of Technology in Higher Education during the last years.   Key words: Educational Technology; University; Digital competence   Reference: Bartolome, A., & Gallego-Arrufat, M. (2019). Tecnologías en la Universidad: logros y fracasos. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria,

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IRE in the Editorial Board of Social Sciences & Humanities Open (Elsevier)

Carles Lindin, a junior researcher at the Institute of Research in Education, Universitat de Barcelona, has accepted to be part of the Editorial Board of Social Sciences & Humanities Open, an Elsevier publication. Thus, the IRE is present at the core of more than 40 relevant journals in the Education field.      

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Charm-EU, an interdisciplinary and challenge-driven European university is set up

The University of Barcelona, the Trinity College Dublin, the University of Utrecht, the University of Montpellier and the Loránd Eötvös University of Budapest create the Charm-EU alliance, a new European university project based on interdisciplinarity and students’ challenge achievement. One of the axes of this network will be the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The rector of the UB,

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9th International Symposium on Didactics of Social Sciences in the Ibero-American Area

The research group in Didactics of History, Geography and Other Social Sciences (DHiGeCS) organizes the 9th International Symposium on Didactics of Social Sciences following a trajectory initiated in 2001. Numerous universities of international scope will collaborate, especially Ibero-American. The Symposium will take place in Barcelona from October 2nd to 4th 2019. Registration period extended until July 15.   For more

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New publication: Education for Intercultural Democratic Citizenship

The professors and researchers of the Faculty of Education of the University of Barcelona Maria Rosa Buxarrais, Elena Noguera and Francisco Esteban participate in the publication of this work as a result of the Strategic Alliance Education for Intercultural Democratic Citizenship (ERIC+), a project funded by the Erasmus+ programme that began in September 2016 and will end in August 2019.

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New project: EDUMEMÒRIES: La memòria als currículums i llibres de text a Catalunya (1978-2018)

A group of researchers and professors from the Faculties of Education and Librarianship of the University of Barcelona, all of them members of the research group in History, Geography and other Social Sciences (DHiGeCs) have been awarded the competitive project called ‘EDUMEMÒRIES: La memòria als currículums i llibres de text a Catalunya (1978-2018)’ in the call promoted by the Institut

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The research group DHiGeCs of the University of Barcelona becomes part of the Spanish Network of Excellence in R + D and Science in Videogames

The research group in Didactics of History, Geography and other Social Sciences (DHiGeCs) of the University of Barcelona has become part of the Spanish Network of Excellence in R + D and Science of Video Games (RIDIVI) this week. The RIDIVI is a heterogeneous network, of an integrating and multidisciplinary nature, of researchers and research groups whose lines of work

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New Publication: Blockchain in the university: a digital technology to design, implement and manage global learning itineraries.

Pablo Rivera Vargas and Carles Lindín publish this article in the Digital Education Review about the experience of the Edublocs project whose objective is to design and implement a system for recording the results of activities, along with the management of process evaluation through the use of Blockchains. Abstract Making universal access to education compatible with different paths of learning

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