Conference on socio-political research – Refuge, asylum and humanitarian crisis: the case of refugees

The event will be held on June 11th, from 4:15 p.m. to 6 p.m., at the European Institute of the Mediterranean (c. Girona, 20, Barcelona – Attached room on the ground floor). The Conference on sociopolitical research – Refuge, asylum and humanitarian crisis: the case of refugees will try to analyze a humanitarian crisis of political base. The activity, developed

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I Research Data Conference at the UB

It will be held on June 27th, in the Aula Magna of the Historical Building of the University of Barcelona. The objective of I Research Data Conference at the UB is to know which agents work with research data in the university, establish working relationships and know the needs of researchers as well as producers and consumers of data. In

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Presentation of books from the Corporate Universities series

On Tuesday, June 12th, the latest books of the Corporate Universities series will be presented, in which several members of the Institute of Research in Education (IRE) have participated: – Consultoría de formación – Formación y aprendizaje en las organizaciones The event will take place at 7:00 pm at FNAC – Triangle (Pl. Catalunya, 4), in Barcelona. Universidades corporativas. Consultoría

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The ‘Open Science Training Handbook’ is published

It is not conceived as a finished product, but must be a living digital document to which resources and chapters will be added depending on the topics of interest that arise over time, and it is also open to comments. It aims to be reference material for use in training courses. The Open Science Training Handbook appears as a result

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ResearchGate and copyright

ResearchGate could be consolidated as a platform for connection and exchange between authors. However, the editors of scientific journals point out the transgression of the copyrights of many of the articles published in this platform. After attempts to reach an agreement with ResearchGate and make their service compatible with copyright, several information analysis companies and scientific and academic editors have

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It is necessary to increase resources in research

Supporting the research dimension should be one of the main objectives of the university, according to the survey carried out by the specialized market research agency IPSOS to know the opinion of the university community about digitalization, research, and contribution to society at the University. In the survey, which has been developed in the framework of the preparations for the

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The challenge of facilitating research in the classrooms

How to promote research in the classroom is one of the topics discussed at the Conferencia de Decanas y Decanos de Educación held in Pamplona (May, 10-11). With the aim of increasing teaching and research quality, the Regional Government has signed an agreement with the Navarran universities (University of Navarra, Public University and the UNED centers in Pamplona and Tudela) to

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ISRIA statement: ten-point guidelines for an effective process of research impact assessment

The statement propose initial guidelines for a rigorous and effective process of research impact assessment applicable to all research disciplines and oriented towards practice. This statement systematises expert knowledge and practitioner experience from designing and delivering the International School on Research Impact Assessment (ISRIA). It brings together insights from over 450 experts and practitioners from 34 countries, who participated in

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