Publication: El portafolio del profesorado en educación superior. Uso y experiencias en el contexto iberoamericano

Zoia Bozu coordinates, together with Milena Alcocer Tocora, the book “El portafolio del profesorado en educación superior. Use and experiences in the Ibero-American context”. The authors of the book are: Francisco Imbernón, Inéride Álvarez Suescun, María Isabel Arbesú, Elena Cano García, Gary Cifuentes, Edith J. Cisneros Cohernour, Clara Inés García, Laia Lluch Molins, María Vicenta González Argüello, Galo E. López Gambora, María del Rosario Navarro Botero and Joan Tomàs Pujolà, in addition to the coordinators.



This book provides teachers, educators, researchers, and the academic community in general with a resource that compiles the experiences of professors who have implemented and used teaching portfolio in different Ibero-American universities. On the one hand, it seeks to demonstrate its usefulness and, on the other hand, to cooperate with and support colleagues and institutions that are starting to use this valuable tool. This work is divided into two parts: the first one shares experiences in the planning and use of teaching portfolio in three contexts of higher education (Spanish, Colombian, and Mexican institutions), while the second part, using a more practical and applicative approach, presents an activity guide that is intended to be a resource and an aid for teachers and researchers who are getting started with the methodology related to teaching portfolio. The guide is conceived as an instrument of self-evaluation and reflection that presents the challenge of outlining a first structure of a proper teaching portfolio.




Bozu, Z., & Alcocer, M. (2021) (coord.). El portafolio del profesorado en educación superior: Uso y experiencias en el contexto iberoamericano (1ªed.). Bogotá: Editorial Universidad del Rosario