Model Information


The Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system is a third-generation air quality model. CMAQ (Byun i Ching, 1999) is a photochemical model developed by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The software is freely provided, so users are able to make the most suitable adjustments. Simulations made by the MAiR group correspond to version 4.7.1. CMAQ solves diffusivity equation for different pollutants and it works in one-way nesting. The inputs for the model are the meteorological data provided by meteorological model WRF and emission data provided by HIREM. The five main CMAQ programs are: the initial conditions processor (ICON), the boundary conditions processor (BCON), the clear-sky photolysis rate calculator (JPROC), the Meteorology-Chemistry Interface Processor (MCIP) and the CMAQ Chemistry-Transport Model (CCTM). Simulations made with CMAQ model supplied pollutant concentrations of gases and particles, with different time steps and for all configuration domains. The chemical mechanism used in simulations is CBM-V for gases an AERO4 for particles.

CMAQ Chemistry-Transport Model (CCTM) and input processors
CMAQ Chemistry-Transport Model (CCTM) and input processors (from:

References and links

Byun, D.W., Ching, J.K.S. Editors, 1999. Science Algorithms of the EPA Models-3 Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Modeling System. Environmental Protection Agency.

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