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Nélida Piñón, creadora de fábulas

Tuesday May 13, 2014 from 19h30 to 21h
Aula 2.2, Edifici Josep Carner, Universitat de Barcelona, c/ Aribau 2, 2n pis - 08007 Barcelona
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Antonio Maura, member of the Academia Brasileira de Letras, will give the lecture "Nélida Piñon, creadora de fábulas" as part of the lecture cycle "No només Clarice Lispector", coorganized by Estudis Gallecs i Portuguesos, the Centre Dona i Literatura and the Centro Cultural do Brasil em Barcelona. Nélida Piñon is a very prolific Brasilian writer of the twentieth century. Her works are inscribed within different literary trends: she cultivated an experimental literature during the sixties and has evolverd into the testimonial, with works of an epic nature such as A república dos soños (1984). Piñon was awarded the Juan Rulfo Prize in 1995, the menéndez Pelayo International Prize in 2003 and the Premio Príncipe de Asturias de las Letras in 2005. This lecture is held as part of the activities of the research project "Literature and Communities: A Gendered Approach". Attendance is free. 

Antonio Maura
Estudis Gallecs i Portuguesos;
Centre Dona i Literatura;
Centro Cultural do Brasil em Barcelona;
GRC Cos i textualitat