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Álbums, collections, libraries, and cabinets
'The Making of Blackness' Fall Seminars
The sessions explore questions of historiographical and methodological interest for research on race and Blackness. They also provide opportunities to share and receive feedback on new projects. Grounded in an interest in early modern Iberia......
Female homoeroticism in Spanish collections of erotic newsstand literature (1898-1936)
3rd Teaching Innovation Workshop Lletra de Dona: "Sharing experiences"
Thing Theory and new materialisms: methods and dissemination
Literary Series "Voices of Palestinian Women Authors"
Reading Race, Images, and Archives II
Fantasy and subversion. From Rafael Dieste to María Reimóndez
'In the limit of the skin is the metaphor': Catalan women poets of the 21st Century
Shapes of Chaos: from Xohana Torres to Emma Ríos
Françoise Collin, from the experience to the praxis
Thinking through Race at the ARSI