Knowledge transfer
One of the fundamental objectives of academic and research institutions is to carry out both basic and applied research to generate new knowledge. This is usually disseminated in scientific forums but it is essential that it is also transmitted to managers and practitioners to innovate and improve management systems and production processes, which is known as knowledge transfer. In short, knowledge transfer is the link between research and management, with the aim of carrying out useful projects and studies for the society. For this reason, we work together with various levels of government, private companies and stakeholders with responsibilities or incidence in the management and conservation of the natural heritage, to deal with specific conservation problems.
Among the most outstanding examples we find the SITxell project, a territorial analysis tool of open areas in the province of Barcelona, driven by the Diputació de Barcelona in order to influence the planning processes of the territory, both at the municipal and regional levels. Among the several layers of geographic information, the SITxell incorporates data on the spatial use and habitat selection of the Bonelli’s Eagle in the province of Barcelona. Other examples of working together in partnership are the agreements signed with the Diputació de Barcelona and various electrical companies for the evaluation and mitigation of bird electrocution in powerlines, or the conservation project financed by the Mava Foundation, thanks to which in 2017 we could provide the authorities a list of pylons with a high risk of electrocution for birds, as well as a specific document to guide managers and electricity companies on the most appropriate types of corrections.
During all these years, the dissemination tasks have also been a fundamental tool to publicizing our work. To do this, we participate in the production of informative materials for exhibitions, books, talks and conferences, publication of articles in newspapers and magazines, and we also promote our appearance in the media as a means to reach a wider audience.
Related publications
B26.- ROLLAN, À., HERNÁNDEZ-MATÍAS, A. & REAL, J. 2016. Guidelines for the conservation of Bonelli’s eagle populations. Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona. pdf
B25.- REAL, J., HERNÁNDEZ-MATÍAS, A., ROLLAN, À. & TINTÓ, A. 2015. El águila perdicera en Cataluña: de la amenaza a la conservación. Aplicaciones a la mitigación de la electrocución. Universitat de Barcelona – Endesa, S.A. pdf
B24.- REAL, J., HERNÁNDEZ-MATÍAS, A., TINTÓ, A., BENEYTO, A., BORAU, A. & PARELLADA, X. Àliga Cuabarrada. In: Herrando, S., Brotons, L., Estrada, J., Guallar, S. & Anton, M. (Eds.). 2011. Atles dels ocells de Catalunya a l’hivern 2006-2009. Institut Català d’Ornitologia (ICO)/Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. pdf
B23.- GRÀCIA, M. & ORDÓÑEZ, J.L. (Eds.) 2011. Les pinedes de pi roig. Manuals de gestió d’hàbitats. Diputació de Barcelona i Obra Social “la Caixa”. Barcelona.
B22.- GRÀCIA, M. & ORDÓÑEZ, J.L. (Eds.) 2011. Les pinedes de pinassa. Manuals de gestió d’hàbitats. Diputació de Barcelona i Obra Social “la Caixa”. Barcelona.
B21.- GRÀCIA, M. & ORDÓÑEZ, J.L. (Eds.) 2010. Les pinedes de pi blanc. Manuals de gestió d’hàbitats. Diputació de Barcelona i Obra Social “la Caixa”. Barcelona.
B20.- GRÀCIA, M. & ORDÓÑEZ, J.L. (Eds.) 2009. Els alzinars. Manuals de gestió d’hàbitats. Diputació de Barcelona i Obra Social “la Caixa”. Barcelona.
B19.- REAL, J. 2008. L’àliga perdiguera, un cable contra l’extinció. In: La revista UB (45): 15-16. Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona. pdf
B16.- REAL, J. Águila Azor-perdicera Hieraaetus fasciatus. 2004. In: MADROÑO, A., GONZÁLEZ, C. & ATIENZA, J.C. (Eds.) Libro Rojo de las aves de España: 154-157. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Madrid.
B14.- REAL, J., TINTÓ, A., BORAU, A., BENEYTO, A. & PARELLADA, X. 2004. Àliga Cuabarrada. In: ESTRADA, J., PEDROCCHI, V., BROTONS, L. & HERRANDO, S. (Eds.). Atles dels ocells nidificants de Catalunya 1999-2002: 182-183. Institut Català d’Ornitologia (ICO)/Lynx Edicions. Barcelona.
B13.- REAL, J. 2003. Águila-azor perdicera. In: MARTÍ, R. & DEL MORAL, J.C. Atlas de las aves reproductoras de España: 192-193. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Madrid.
C24.- FONTELLES, F. 2014. L’àguila perdiguera a Catalunya: passat, present i futur. Biologia on-line, Vol. 3, Núm. 1. ISSN: 2339-5745 online. pdf
Related links
- Live Research Fair: experience the leading science with its main actors (02/05/2017): More
- The TVE program ‘El bosque protector‘ dedicates a chapter to the Bonelli’s Eagle (28/08/2016): See
- The TVC program ‘Telenotícies Comarques’ dedicates a chapter to the ringing of Egyptian vulture chicks by the Conservation Biology Group (25/08/2016): See
- See the video ‘Viability of the Bonelli’s eagle population in Catalonia: guidelines for conservation’ from the UBtv website (14/03/2016): See
- The TVC program ‘Telenotícies Comarques’ dedicates a chapter to the increase of the Egyptian vulture population in Catalonia (04/08/2014): See
- See the video ‘L’àliga perdiguera: 30 anys d’estudi de les poblacions en el continent europeu’ from the UBtv website (27/03/2014): See
- Carles Castell: « We cannot have development without conservation» (08/08/2011): More