Dr. Laura Fernández

Postdoctoral Researcher “Juan de la Cierva” at the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media at the University of Barcelona. Graduated in Social and Cultural Anthropology, with a master’s degree in International Studies on Media, Power, and Diversity, and a PhD in Communication.

She is part of the Research Center on Information, Communication, and Culture (CRICC), where she works within the research line on gender, inclusion, and diversities in information, communication, and culture. pecifically, she is a researcher in the I+D+I projects TRANSGELIT (Transmedia Gender & LGTBI+ Literacy) and W&W (Women and Wikipedia: analysis of the gender gap in the co-production of knowledge in the Wikipedias of Spain). She is also associated with the I+D+I project COMPASS (Lobbying and Compassion. Interest groups, discourse and nonhuman animals in Spain) at the Department of Communication of the Pompeu Fabra University and is a member of the UPF-Centre for Animal Ethics.

Main research areas: Audiovisual communication and media, gender and LGTBI+ studies, critical animal studies, social movements studies, social and cultural anthropology, qualitative research methods.

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