


Parc de les Humanitats i les Ciències Socials Can Jaumandreu Carrer del Perú, 52 (08018) Barcelona


30 y 31 de enero 2019


El equipo del proyecto europeo H2020 ACCOMPLISSH, gestionado por la FBG, organiza la Final Conference del proyecto, que acogerá la Universidad de Barcelona. El acto presentará los resultados de 3 años de trabajo de 14 universidad de 12 países en los espacios de Can Jaumandreu los días 30 y 31 de enero.

ACCOMPLISSH tiene como objetivo poner en valor el impacto de la investigación en las áreas de Humanidades y Ciéncias Sociales y la colaboración entre la academia y los agentes sociales (empresa, sector público y tercer sector).


Wednesday, 30th of January of 2019

12:30 Registration & welcome lunch
14:00 Opening

Peter Meister-Broekema, Coordinator of the ACCOMPLISSH project on behalf of the University of Groningen

Núria Serrat, Lecturer and researcher on Higher Education and Innovation at the Faculty of Education, University of Barcelona

Sha​ron Smith​, special adviser of the ACCOMPLISSH project, University of Groningen

14:30 Project results presentation by ACCOMPLISSH Work Package leaders

Peter Meister-Broekema, Coordinator of the ACCOMPLISSH project on behalf of the University of Groningen | Presentation

David Budtz Pedersen, Associate Professor and Co-Director of the Humanomics Research Centre, Aalborg University Copenhagen | Presentation

Jonas Stier, Professor of sociology and Intercultural Studies, Dalarna University | Presentation

Mislava Bertoša, Associate professor of linguistics and semiotics at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb | Presentation

Karen Laing, Senior Research Associate in the Research Centre for Learning and Teaching, in the School of Education, Communication and Language Science at Newcastle University | Presentation

Alexis Dewaele, Assistant professor at the Department of Clinical-Experimental and Health Psychology , and Research Coordinator at PSYNC, research consortium in Clinical Psychology, University of Ghent | Presentation 

Dewi Hannon, Department of Experimental clinical and Health Psychology, University of Ghent | Presentation

Arko Olesk, Researcher and a PhD student of science communication, Tallinn University | Presentation

Andrea D. Bührmann, Director of the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute and Vice-President for Teaching and Learning, University of Göttingen | Presentation

Margit Sutrop, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Arts and founding Director of the interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu | Presentation

16:30 Break
17:00 Institutional Welcome

Domènec Espriu, Vice-President for Research, University of Barcelona

Joan Gómez Pallarès, General Director for Research, Catalan Government

Harald Hartung, Head of the Unit for Inclusive Societies, European Commission

Peter Meister-Broekema, ACCOMPLISSH project coordinator on behalf of the University of Groningen

Núria Serrat, Lecturer and researcher on Higher Education and Innovation at the Faculty of Education, University of Barcelona

18:00 Opening Conference

Federico Buyolo, General Director at the office of the High Comissioner for the 2030 Agenda of Spain

19:00 End of Day 1 programme


Thursday, 31st of January of 2019

9:00 Framing present challenges in the EU agenda

Harald Hartung, Head of unit for Inclusive Societies, European Commission | Presentation

9:45 How can SSH co-creation contribute to face these challenges? Presentation of the case-based sessions
10:15 Break
10:45 Parallel case-based sessions on sustainability, migration and technological change


Nerea Plaza, Agbar (Aigües de Barcelona)


Péter Giczey, Chairman of the LIFETREE Help Service Association (ÉLETFA Segítő Szolgálat Egyesület), based in Hungary | Presentation

Aida Guillén, Director for Citizen Rights and Diversity, City Council of Barcelona

Sharon Smit, special adviser of the ACCOMPLISSH project, University of Groningen & Jonas Stier, Professor of sociology and Intercultural Studies, Dalarna University | Presentation

Technological Change

Núria Guevara, Head of the Unit for Research, Documentation and Publications at the Public Administration School of Catalonia & Ismael Peña, General Director for Citizen Participation, Goverment of Catalonia | Presentation_1  Presentation 2

12:30 Case-based sessions conclusions
13:30 Lunch & Poster walk: Young researchers’ experiences on co-creation

Posters presented by:

Tiago Castro, University of Coimbra

Gabriella Nemes-Zámbó, University of Debrecen

Eva Mærsk, University of Groningen

Camila Opazo, University of Barcelona

Martina Podboj, University of Zagreb

Sapienza University of Rome representative

Special poster on the UK Research Co-Creation Guide by Newcastle University and partners

15:30 Panel: Future strategic challenges on co-creation

Tom Broeks, Staff member Strategic Coordination, Management Department, City of Ghent

Jeremy Cripps, Chief Executive of Children North East

Marcos Eguiguren, Executive Director – Global Alliance for Banking on Values​​

Fenna PoolsDirector of Europa decentraal

Ida Raffaelli, professor at Department of Linguistics at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Moderator: Christoph Köller, Co-founder and managing partner of Görgen & Köller GmbH (G&K) |  Presentation
17:30 Closing of the session & Networking dinner
Closing speech by Albert Cirera, Vice-Rector for Entrepreneurship, Transfer and Innovation, University of Barcelona


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