Maria Marino

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Professora Lectora)

Research interests:

Behavioral and Experimental Economics; Political Economy; Public Economics.

Recent publications:

  • (Mis-)Perceptions, information, and political polarization: A survey and a systematic literature review (2024) with R. Iacono and Johanna Mollerstrom, European Journal of Political Economy,

  • Are rural households poorer than non-rural households in Europe?  (2024) with C.Meloni, C. Grazini, B. Rocchi and S. Severini, Journal of Rural Studies, Forthcoming,
  • Assessing the Farm–Nonfarm Households’ Income Gap along the Income Distribution in the European Union (2023) with B. Rocchi and S. Severini; Journal of Common Market Studies,
  • How important is culture to understand political protest?” with P. Li Donni and C. Welzel, in “World Development” Volume 148, 2021,
  • “Conditional Income Disparity between Farm and non-farm Households in the European Union: A Longitudinal Analysis” with B. Rocchi and S. Severini, in “Journal of Agricultural Economic”, 2021,
  • “Does an income gap between farm and nonfarm households still exist? The case of the European Union ” with B. Rocchi and S. Severini, in “Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy”, 2020,
  • “The role of collective action for the emergence and consolidation of democracy” with P. Li Donni, in “Journal of Institutional Economics”, Volume 16, Issue 6, December 2020 , pp. 831 – 862,
  • “How consistent are perceptions of inequality” with S. Bavetta and P. Li Donni in “Journal of Economic Psychology”, Volume 78, June 2020,
  • “The democratization process: An empirical appraisal of the role of political protest” with P. Li Donni, S. Bavetta and M. Cellini in “European Journal of Political Economy”, Volume 63, June 2020,
  • “An empirical analysis of the determinants of perceived inequality” with S. Bavetta and P. Li Donni in “Review of Income and Wealth”, Volume 65, 2019 – Issue 2,
  • “Patterns of poverty among elderly Americans: a Latent Class Markov Model” with P. Li Donni in “Applied economic letters”, Volume 25, 2018 – Issue 11,

Maria Marino

    • (Mis-)Perceptions, information, and political polarization: A survey and a systematic literature review (2024) with R. Iacono and Johanna Mollerstrom, European Journal of Political Economy,

    • Are rural households poorer than non-rural households in Europe?  (2024) with C.Meloni, C. Grazini, B. Rocchi and S. Severini, Journal of Rural Studies, Forthcoming,
    • Assessing the Farm–Nonfarm Households’ Income Gap along the Income Distribution in the European Union (2023) with B. Rocchi and S. Severini; Journal of Common Market Studies,
    • How important is culture to understand political protest?” with P. Li Donni and C. Welzel, in “World Development” Volume 148, 2021,
    • “Conditional Income Disparity between Farm and non-farm Households in the European Union: A Longitudinal Analysis” with B. Rocchi and S. Severini, in “Journal of Agricultural Economic”, 2021,
    • “Does an income gap between farm and nonfarm households still exist? The case of the European Union ” with B. Rocchi and S. Severini, in “Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy”, 2020,
    • “The role of collective action for the emergence and consolidation of democracy” with P. Li Donni, in “Journal of Institutional Economics”, Volume 16, Issue 6, December 2020 , pp. 831 – 862,
    • “How consistent are perceptions of inequality” with S. Bavetta and P. Li Donni in “Journal of Economic Psychology”, Volume 78, June 2020,
    • “The democratization process: An empirical appraisal of the role of political protest” with P. Li Donni, S. Bavetta and M. Cellini in “European Journal of Political Economy”, Volume 63, June 2020,
    • “An empirical analysis of the determinants of perceived inequality” with S. Bavetta and P. Li Donni in “Review of Income and Wealth”, Volume 65, 2019 – Issue 2,
    • “Patterns of poverty among elderly Americans: a Latent Class Markov Model” with P. Li Donni in “Applied economic letters”, Volume 25, 2018 – Issue 11,
  • Chapter “La corruzione, una malattia al cuore del sistema democratico: gli effetti sulla partecipazione politica”(pp. 145-162) in “Corruzione e Pubblica Amministrazione”, Jovene Editore, Edited by M. D’Alberti, 2017, ISBN978-88-243-2501-1
  • GOVERNS I MERCATS Joan Ramon Borrell Arque 2021 SGR 00261 Grupo 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2025
  • Políticas de movilidad y transporte: efectos sobre el cambio climático, la sostenibilidad y la salud Germa Manel Bel Queralt / Laia Maynou Pujolras PID2022-138866OB-I00 Proyecto 0ECO - Economía (ECON) 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2026
  • Circular Social Norms - Ci_SoNo Riccardo Bruni Ci_SoNo Proyecto 0000 - Sense especificar 01/12/2019 - 30/11/2020
  • An inquiry into the foundations of PERCeived INEQuality - PERCINEQ Maria Marino 891256 Proyecto 8P1MCA - HORIZON 2020. PILLAR 1-EXCELLENT SCIENCE. MCA. Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions. 14/10/2020 - 13/10/2022
  • Corrupción y administración publica Germana Corrado Proyecto 01/02/2013 - 01/02/2016
  • Personal Freedom Project Sebastiano Bavetta Proyecto 08/10/2014 - 17/12/2017
  • Freedom, Norms and Social Change Sebastiano Bavetta Proyecto 01/03/2018 - 28/02/2019

Teaching at UB (current)

Public Sector Economics. BA in Business and Administration and Economics.

Regulatory Economics. Master in Economics, Regulation and Competiton in Public Services.