22 November. 12:30 (Sala de Recepcions). XXII Seminari Ernest Lluch. This year the seminar will be on “Competition in health care” and will be given by Alistair McGuire (LSE). More information HERE
8 November 12:15h (Room tbc). Research Seminar. Paula Navarro (Norwegian School of Economics). Paula works on Empirical Industrial Organization and Environmental Economics.
25 October 12:15h (Room: 1037). Research Seminar. Dominika Tothova (Masaryk University, CZ) will be presenting “Determinants of Willingness to Pay for Avoiding Air Pollution Health Risks”
18 October 12:15h (Room 1037). Research Seminar. Joe Harrington (Wharton School, PE) will be presenting “Third-Party Pricing Algorithms and Market Competition”
4 October 12:15h (Room: 1037). Research Seminar. Johanna Mollestrom (George Mason University in Arlington, VA). Johanna works on behavioral, experimental and public economics with special emphasis in topics concerning social preferences, demand for redistribution and gender.
14 June. 12:15h (Room: 1037). Research Seminar: Alistair McGuire (LSE). “The Long Reach of a social insurance health care provision reform: generational impacts of the NHS”
24 May, 12:15h (Room: 1038) Research Seminar. Aayushi Sharma (Universitat de Barcelona). “Coal’s Last Breath: Examining Health Impacts in England’s Transition”.
24 May. 12:15h (Room: 1038) Research Seminar. Maria Teresa Silvi (University of Ghent). Title to be confirmed (Teresa works on environmental policy & behavioral economics)
10 May. 12:15h (Room: 1037) Research Seminar. Elisa Failache (Universidad de la República de Uruguay) will be presenting “Exposure to High-Speed Internet and Early Childhood Development”
26 April. 12:15h (Room: 1037). Research Seminar. Rocco Frieble (LSE) will be presenting “Impact of Surgery on the Economic Development of Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
19 April. 12:15h (Room: 1037). Research Seminar. Paula Navarro (Norwegian School of Economics) will be presenting “Pass-Through with Consumer Heterogeneity and Competition. An application to Airlines”
23 February. 12:15h (Room: 1037). Research Seminar. Roberto Brunetti (Université Lumière Lyon 2) will be presenting her work “Beliefs in Merit, Trickle-Down Economics, and Preferences for Redistribution: An Experiment with the Top and Bottom 20%”
15 December. 12:15h (Room: 1037). Research Seminar. Professor Alexandre Mayol (U. de Lorraine) will be presenting “United We Stand, Divided We Fall: an Application to the French Drinking Water Market”
24 November. 12:15h (Room: tbc). Research Seminar. Professor Thomas Elston (U. of Oxford) will be sharing his work on inter-municipal collaboration and public service
10 November. 12:00h (Room: Sala de Recepcions). XXI Ernest Lluch Seminar. Every year our unit organizes this seminar to remember Prof. Ernest Lluch. This year, the seminar will be carried out by Prof. Mireia Giné (IESE & Wharton Research Data Services) who will talk us about “Common Ownership, Competition and Innovation”. Register here
20 October. 12:15 (Room: 1038). Research Seminar. Miquel Serra-Burriel (U. Zurich) will be presenting “ Life after patent: Drug price dynamics and cost-effectiveness analysis”
CAUSAL INFERENCE WORKSHOP 2023: The Mixtape by Scott Cunningham
The next 21 and 22 of September, the GiM research group and the Observatory on Analysis and Evaluation of Public Policies (OAP) will be hosting Professor Scott Cunningham, professor of economics at Baylor University (Texas) and author of “Causal Inference: The mixtape” who will be giving a 2-days workshop on causal inference. In particular, we will work on advanced methods in difference in differences and synthetic control methods.
Workshop Climate & Transport Policies: 14 April 2023 at UB School of Economics
L’Observatori d’Anàlisi i Avaluació de Polítiques Públiques (OAP) i el Grup de Recerca en Governs i Mercats (GiM) de la Universitat de Barcelona organitzen el Workshop Climate & Transport Policies el proper 14 d’abril 2023 a la Sala de Recepcions de la Facultat d’Economia i Empresa – Universitat de Barcelona (UB School of Economics).
El Workshop comptarà amb la conferència de Xavier Labandeira (U. Vigo) titulada “The Spanish White Book on Tax Reform: Environmental Taxation and Transport”. I amb ponències per part de Juan Luis Jiménez (U. Las Pamas de Gran Canaria), Jordi Perdiguero (U.A. Barcelona), Mattia Borsati (U. Barcelona) sobre polítiques climàtiques en el context posterior a la invasió d’Ucraïna, i de Xavier Fageda (U. Barcelona) i d’Adrian Santonja di Fonzo (DIW) sobre la transició a les tecnologies baixes en carboni en el transport.
Scientific Meeting: New challenges in the delivery of local public services
On November 11th 2022, the government and markets group and the Observatory of Analysis and Evaluation of Public Policies of the University of Barcelona, organize an international scientific meeting to deal with new challenges in the delivery of local public services. The meeting will cover recent advances in the research of local government reforms (such as intermunicipal cooperation, privatization, remunicipalization, etc.) and recent or increasing challenges local administrations must face, such cost inflation hikes, ageing and climate change. The meeting will bring together European academic experts who will share their current and future research projects with the aim of promoting a research agenda on these topics for the coming years. Venue (Sala de Recepcions), Facultat d’Economia i Empresa. Universitat de Barcelona. WEB
WORKSHOP “Pandèmies 2020: La sostenibilitat financera i ambiental de la mobilitat a Catalunya”
04/11/2022 Facultat d’economia i Empresa de la Universitat de Barcelona. Sala de Recepcions. Workshop dedicat a la presentació dels resultats del projecte de recerca Pandèmies 2020, finançat per l’AGAUR. Amb la participació dels diferents grups de recerca de diferents universitats catalanes participants del projecte. Més informació a la web de l’esdeveniment. WEB
Organitzen: Observatori d’anàlisi i avaluació de polítiques & Grup de Recerca en Governs i Mercats.
06/05/2022 Facultat d’economia i Empresa de la Universitat de Barcelona
Co-organizers: Asociación Española de Economia de la Salud (EVALUAES), GiM, Observatori d’anàlisi i avaluació de polítiques públiques, Institut d’Economia de Barcelona. Program