CV2022 Xavier Fageda

FULL PROFESSOR (Catedràtic d’Universitat)


  • Bernardo, V., Fageda. X., Teixidó, J. (forthcoming). Flight ticket taxes in Europe: Environmental and economic impact. Transportation Research-A, forthcoming.
  • Fageda, X., Fioravanti, R., Café, E., Ricover, A., Ansaldo, M. (2023) Econometric analysis of the determinants of air cargo traffic in Latin America and the Caribbean. Transport Policy, 135, 33-44.
  • Calzada, J., Fageda. X. (2023). Airport dominance, route network design and flight delays. Transportation Research E, 170, 103000.
  • Albalate, D., Fageda, X. (2023).  Getting closer to your destination: The role of available surface connections on the supply of low-cost carriers in secondary European tourist airports. Research in Transportation Business and Management, 48, 100899.
  • Calzada, J., Fageda, Martínez-Santos, F. (2023). Have mergers reduced the presence of bank branches? Evidence from the US. Empirical Economics, 64, 2411-2447.
  • Calzada, J., Fageda. X., Safronov (2022), R. How do global airline alliances affect competition? Evidence from Russia. Journal of Air Transport Management, 98, 102156.
  • Fageda, X., Flores-Fillol, R., Theilen, B (2022). Price versus quantity measures to deal with pollution and congestion in urban areas: A political economy approach. Journal of Environmental, Economics and Management, 115, 102719.
  • Fageda,X., Teixidó, J. (2022).  Pricing carbon in the aviation sector: Evidence from the European emissions trading system. Journal of Environmental, Economics and Management, 111, 102591.
  • Albalate, D., Fageda, X. (2021) On the relationship between congestion and road safety in cities, Transport Policy, 105, 145-152.
  • Bernardo, V, Fageda, X., Flores-Fillol, R. (2021). Pollution and congestion in urban areas: The effects of low emission zones. Economics of Transportation, 26-27, 100221.
  • Fageda, X. (2021). Measuring the impact of ride-hailing firms on urban congestion:  The case of Uber in Europe, Papers in Regional Science, 100 (5), 1230-1253.
  • Fageda, X. (2021) Do light rail systems reduce traffic externalities? Empirical evidence from mid-size European cities. Transportation Research D, 92, 102731.
  • Castillo-Manzano, J.I., Castro-Nuño, M., Fageda, X. (2021) An analysis of the safety externalities of cross-border “mega trucks” traffic in the European market. Journal of Safety Research, 77, 1-12.
  • Olivieri, C., Fageda, X. (2021). Determinants of urban mobility with a focus on gender: a multilevel analysis in the Metropolitan Area of Montevideo, Uruguay. Journal of Transport Geography, 91, 102996.
  • Bernardo, V, Fageda, X (2020). Impacts of competition on connecting travelers: Evidence from the transatlantic aviation market. Transport Policy, 96, 141-151.
  • Das, A.K., Bardhan, A.K., Fageda, X. (2020) New regional aviation policy in India: Early indicators and lessons learnt, Journal of Air Transport Management, 81, 101870.
  • Fageda,X. Flores-Fillol, R., Hsin Lin, M.(2020). Vertical differentiation and airline alliances: The effect of antitrust immunity. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 81.
  • Bernardo, V., Fageda, X (2019). Globalization, long-haul flights and inter-city connections, Economics of Transportation, 19, 1-8.
  • Calzada, J., Fageda, X. (2019) Route expansion in the European Air Transport Market, Regional Studies, 53 (8), 1149-1160.
  • Fageda, X., Flores-Fillol, R., Theilen, B. (2019). Hybrid cooperation agreements in networks: The case of the airline industry. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 62, 194-227.
  • Fageda, X., Olivieri, C. (2019). Transport Infrastructure and Regional Convergence: A Spatial Panel Data Approach, Papers in Regional Science, 98, 1609-1631.
  • Fageda, X., Suárez, A., Serebrisky, T., Fioravanti, R. (2019), Estimating the Impact of Public Policies Worldwide on Air Connectivity in Remote Regions, Regional Studies, 53 (8), 1161-1169.
  • Fageda, X., González-Aregall, M. (2018) What drives European port traffic? The role of competition. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 10, 618-641.
  • Fageda, X., Sansano, S. (2018) Factors influencing prices and frequencies in the interurban bus market: Evidence from Europe, Transportation Research-A, 111, 266-276.
  • Fageda, X., Rubio, R., Termes, M. (2018) Deployment of broadband platforms: Empirical evidence of a regulation failure, Revista de Economía Aplicada, 76 (Vol. XXVI), 1-24.
  • Abreu, J., Fageda, X., Jiménez, J.L. (2018)  An empirical evaluation of changes in public service obligations in Spain, Journal of Air Transport Management, 67, 1-10
  • Castro-Nuño, M., Castillo-Manzano, J.I., Fageda, X. (2018) The role of road safety in a sustainable urban mobility: An econometric assessment of the Spanish cities. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 12, 205-217
  • Fageda, X., Suárez, A., Serebrisky, T., Fioravanti, R. (2018). Air connectivity in remote regions: A comprehensive review of existing transport policies worldwide. Journal of Air Transport Management, 66, 65-75
  • Bel, G., Fageda, X. (2017) What have we learnt after three decades of empirical studies on factors driving local privatization?, Local Government Studies, 43 (4), 503-511.
  • Bernardo, V., Fageda, X. (2017) The effects of the open skies agreement between Morocco and the European Union: A differences-in-differences analysis. Transportation Research-E, 98, 24-41.
  • Castillo-Manzano, J.I., Castro-Nuño, M., Fageda., López-Valpuesta, L. (2017) An assessment of the effects of alcohol consumption and prevention policies on road accident rates. Transportation Research-F, 50, 38-49.
  • Fageda, X. (2017). International air travel and foreign direct investments: Evidence from Barcelona. Journal of Regional Science, 57, 858-883.
  • Fageda, X., González-Aregall, M. (2017) Do all transport modes impact on industrial employment? Empirical evidence from Spanish regions. Transport Policy, 55, 70-78.
  • Fageda, X., Jiménez, J.L., Valido, J. (2017) An empirical evaluation of the effects of European public policies on airfares in islands. Transportation Research-A, 106, 288-299.
  • Fageda, X., Jiménez, Perdiguero, J., Marrero, K. (2017) Does market exit of a network airline affect airline prices and frequencies in tourist routes? Tourism Management, 61, 465-471.