Within the framework of the conferences “Educar para el futuro 2018”, Carles Monereo, professor of Educational Psychology, has given a presentation about evaluation methods in which the ability to resolve conflicts relating to personal, social and professional life, precisely from the challenge of facing them has been treated.     Furthermore, also the role of evaluation in schools is

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The double gift in education

  There is no doubt that we can understand education as an act with a “boomerang effect”. Give and take. Teacher and student are participants and builders of the knowledge that is forged throughout the classes. The knowledge that the teacher brings to the student will be received by the society when him, some day, becomes an expert. It is

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Increase or decrease schooling?

  The debate about increasing schooling has been present in the educational field for years. Lengthening the stay of children in school can bring different benefits such as, for example, the increase of the cultural level of the country or equity. Even so, the costs should also be taken into account: increased spending on education, the risk of a high

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Today we celebrate the day of the woman and the girl in science. Unfortunately, when we put the focus on any profession related to science, technology, engineering, mathematics, etc., we observe how the percentage of women who dedicate themselves to these areas is much lower than that of men. From the Association of Women Researchers and Technologists (AMIT), is being

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Today the permanent commission of the IRE has met. We have continued to delimit the organization chart (to make the allocation of the members by areas and the consolidation of the different councils), a strategy of implying that different researchers have been outlined, it has been agreed to enhance the degree of visibility and projection of their members and, finally,

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How to get visibility in research networks

Antonio Bartolomé, professor at the University of Barcelona, has given a lecture in the Mirador Classroom (Mundet) about how researchers should strengthen the different networks in which they are enrolled (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Academia, Vitae, Orcid… ) in order to achieve a greater impact. Below you can see the link that leads you to the presentation of the paper:

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TKCOM Project: Kick-off meeting

From 9th to 12th of January the Project “Building up Chinese Teachers Key Competences through a Global Competence-Based Framework” has to be its kick-off meeting in Barcelona, with the participation of European -Barcelona as coordinator, Nottingham Trent y Coimbra- and Chinese universities – Southwest, Beijing Normal y Northwest Normal. Dra. Elena Cano coordinates the Project for the next three years,

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The project TKCOM has started

The European project “Building up Chinese Teachers Key Competences through a Global Competence-Based Framework” has been started. It is a Capacity Building for Higher Education coordinated by Dr. Elena Cano (LMI, UB) with the Universities of Coimbra, Nottingham Trent University, Beijing Normal University, Southwest Normal University and Northwest Normal University. In January the Kick off Meeting will be held!  

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Blockchain in Education

Edutec journal has published the article of Antonio Bartolomé (LMI,UB), Carles Bellver (UJI), Linda Castañeda (UMU) and Jordi Adell (UJI): “Blockchain en Educación: introducción y crítica al estado de la cuestión“. That’s one of the first work on Blockchain and Education in Spanish.  

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