Pharmacology group joins GENiE (COST action)

Dr Griñan Ferré has joined the collaborative European network of C. elegans early-stage researchers and young principal investigators (GENiE) formed in the frame of COST action BM1408.

This network aims to foster the C. elegans  research at a European levels because: (i) many junior C. elegans group leaders have established themselves in Europe during the last 10 years; (ii) in contrast to most US universities/research institutes, there are fewer established worm laboratories in the near vicinity of these junior researchers, offering fewer mentoring, discussions and sharing of equipment possibilities; (iii) there is no support network for young researchers in Europe and (iv) the European community is fragmented, its size is unknown, while no interaction platform and meeting opportunities are available; (v) critical resources are “hidden” – currently there is no registry of where critical infrastructure and equipment are and what their accessibility is.

Our group is very proud to belong to GENiE
