With the beginning of the year 2023, the Plan to promote energy saving at the University of Barcelona has been launched, which includes a series of effective and fast-applying measures to reduce energy consumption in the institution, without alter the normal functioning of the UB. The measures, debated by an Energy Crisis Commission made up of a group of members of the UB community, should contribute to reducing the energy cost for the UB by 2023. Among the lines of action included in the plan, there is a communication and awareness campaign entitled “We are responsible”, which seeks the active involvement of the UB community in this common goal. On this page you will find all the information and resources of the campaign, which, in addition to the economic savings associated with reducing consumption, wants to promote a reduction in the environmental impact derived from energy consumption at the UB.
Resources of interest
Available in PDF. Print only the model you need and use it responsibly.
Consumption evolution
Els consums d’energia i aigua disminueixen significativament durant l’any 2023
Els consums han evolucionat favorablement, amb un descens que finalment ha arribat al 7,5 % en l’electricitat, un 24,5 % en el gas, i un 14,5 % en l’aigua.
Al novembre disminueixen els consums d’electricitat i aigua, però augmenta el de gas
Un cop consolidada la reducció de consums d’energia i aigua per a l’any 2023, ens centrem a veure com ha anat l’evolució al mes de novembre.
Es consoliden els estalvis d’energia i aigua, tot i que a l’octubre els consums d’electricitat i gas van augmentar
Fins al mes d’octubre, el consum d’electricitat ha disminuït un 8,2 %, el de gas un 29,6 %, i el d’aigua un 17,0 % respecte al 2022.
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