
The University's departments are its basic teaching and research units. They organize and implement the activities in question in their field of knowledge in at least one of the UB's faculties.

The departments look to reinforce their members' research and teaching activity, and participate in the ongoing improvement of the training provided for students.

In addition to a director and a secretary, each department has a Department Council, whose members include representatives of the students taking its programmes. Some of those representatives must be third-cycle students.


Each department has the following responsibilities:

  • Organizing and carrying out teaching in accordance with study programmes' curriculums.
  • Organizing and carrying out research.
  • Organizing specialized, refresher and university extension courses.
  • Encouraging its members to train to further their scientific knowledge and acquire new teaching skills.
  • Promoting scientific, technical and artistic projects, in accordance with the UB's statute.
  • Fostering relations with other departments.
  • Participating in the running of the UB, in accordance with the institution's statute.
  • Drawing up departmental regulations, which must be approved by the Division Council.
  • Taking on any other responsibilities assigned to it under the UB's statute and regulations.