Quality management

The quality system of the Faculty of Law takes as reference the standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area adopted by the European Ministers of Education in 2005 in Bergen, follows the guidelines of the AUDIT programme and meets the requirements of the regulations established in the regulation of official university teaching of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

The Faculty of Law reaffirms its commitment to quality management by defining and documenting the different mechanisms and processes necessary to carry out the process of design and approval of degrees, to facilitate the monitoring process - and, where appropriate, the process of modifying degrees - and to guarantee the continuous improvement of their quality based on the analysis of objective data. In addition, and in accordance with the principles of quality and transparency (ESG 1.7), the Faculty has established procedures for publishing updated, impartial and objective information on the degrees, aimed at the different interest groups.

In 2009, AQU Catalunya certified the Faculty's quality assurance model, which is based on:

  1. Strategic planning, linked through programme contracts, as a tool for developing quality policy and objectives.
  2. The organisation of management based on processes. It has been developed for this purpose:
  • A map of processes and a catalogue of the main processes related to university training
  • The description of these processes and the system for monitoring them through specific quality procedures (PEQ)
  • The development of a scorecard, i.e. a set of data and indicators from the management system to measure the activities being carried out.
  • The introduction of accountability with the publication of verification reports, monitoring reports, accreditation reports, and data and indicators for the Faculty's degrees and master's degrees.
  • An internal review of the system to analyse its suitability and, if necessary, propose an improvement plan to optimise it.


You can find further information on the quality system of the Faculty of Law both in Catalan and Spanish:

segell qualitat dret