Students representation

For the effective and efficient development of its missions, the University of Barcelona has representative bodies of the different groups that make up the University, each with different attributions and regulated through the UB Statute.

The participation of the student body is very important for the functioning of the different collegiate governing and management bodies of the University. The election of their representatives is established by the electoral regulations of this group (Regulations on elections to collegiate bodies and referendums for UB students, approved by the Plenary of the Student Council on 21 June 2012 and by the University Senate on 12 July 2012).

As for the Faculties, the collegiate bodies in which the students are represented are the Faculty Board, the Councils of Studies and the Departmental Councils.

The Regulations of the Faculty (in Catalan) of Law, in its latest version approved by the Faculty Board in the session of July 21, 2015 and ratified by agreement of the Governing Council in session of December 16, 2015, provides for the percentage of representation of each of the groups. With regard to the Board of the Faculty of Law, 30% of its members are students, including doctoral students. In addition, the students are represented in the different delegated Commissions of the Faculty Board. Thus, for example, the Academic Commission is made up of a number of students equivalent to 30% of the total members of the Committee.

In each Faculty Study Council there is a representation of the students enrolled in teaching in a number equal to the representation of the professors and professors who are members of the Council. In addition, in the Departmental Councils there is a representation of students from all levels of teaching, as provided in the Regulations of each of the Departments of the Faculty of Law.

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