
Cicle Continuat de Conferències de la FMiCS: " Suppressing tumour development - The coordinated response of p53 target genes”


14-12-2022 a 14-12-2022




Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut


Aula 11, Campus Clínic

El proper 14 de juny a les 12h, l'Aula Magna del Campus Clínic acollirà el setè dels seminari del Cicle Continuat de Conferències de la Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut. 

El seminari porta per títol "Suppressing tumour development - The coordinated response of p53 target genes”" i estarà a càrrec de la Dra. Ana Janic, Investigadora principal del departament de Medicina i Ciències de la vida de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra (MELIS-UPF).

Aquest seminari, esta adreçat a tot el PDI de la Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut i els diferents centres de recerca de Barcelona i no requereixen inscripció prèvia per poder assistir-hi.

A continuació trobareu una breu sinopsi dels temes que abordarà la Dra. Janic durant el seminari:

The transcription factor p53, often referred to as ‘the guardian of the genome’, is widely for its role as an important tumour suppressor by providing a significant barrier to cancer development. Activation of p53 leads to the expression of many diverse target genes, however, the roles of many of these target genes remain poorly understood. Genetic screens in vivo in mice have provided useful tools for illuminating the importance of numerous p53-mediated target genes and its biological functions to tumour suppression that comprise a cooperative tumour suppression network downstream of p53. The RNA binding protein Zmat3 and E3-ubiquitin ligase RNF144b, were the most potent hits. Understanding the mechanisms, by which Zmat3 and RNF144b act in healthy and cancer cells, and how they mediate their tumour suppressive function will be the major focus of this seminar.

Us hi esperem!
