
Programa internacional de beques per a futurs estudiants de doctorat // IBEC PhD Programme 2020

Notícia | 02-03-2020

In the framework of the Severo Ochoa, IBEC is launching the fourth IBEC PhD Programme 2020, to attract excellent candidates to begin a research career at IBEC.


Within the programme, IBEC offers 5 fellowships granted with a 4-year contract with a gross annual salary of 17.785€ per year, plus 6.250€ for mobility and training. In order to offer the selected candidates the possibility to join their IBEC research groups and start their training in the lab, selected candidates will be offered an initial 6 month-contract as Research Assistant with an annual gross salary of 16.422 €. Depending on their availability, candidates may start the research assistant contract from 1st November 2020.


The fellowships are open to all IBEC research groups. Fellowships will be assigned to the best candidates, with the only limitation that each research group of IBEC will be able to host up to one fellow.


Important dates:


  • February 12th, 2020: Launch of the call
  • March 16st, 2020: Deadline for submission of applications
  • March 17th–29th,  2020: Check of eligibility Criteria
  • March 30th–April 19th, 2020: Evaluation of the candidates’ CVs
  • April 20th–23rd, 2020: Communication of results of the evaluation of the candidates’ CVs. Invitation of shortlisted candidates for an online interview.
  • April 24th–May 8th, 2020:  shortlisted candidates will be asked to contact the IBEC supervisors and get to know their research and PhD project.
  • May 11th–12th, 2020: Shortlisted candidates will present a final ranked list of their preferred PhD research projects and supervisors.
  • May 15th–22th, 2020: Online interviews with the selection committee.
  • May 25th–29th, 2020: Publication of final list of selected candidates. Letter of acceptance to be signed by candidates.
  • From November 2020: start of the research assistant contract
  • May 2021 (to be confirmed, based on the resolution of the call ‘Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores’ by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation): Start the of the PhD fellowships.


Further information at


For more information or doubts, do not hesitate to contact or the Human Resources or Strategic Initiatives Units of IBEC.
