Workshop on Political Economy and Fiscal Federalism: “Economic Shocks, Government Quality and Political Disintegration” – Call for Papers

Different types of economic shocks hit countries periodically. The ability to respond to these shocks depends, among others, on government quality. Crisis might also affect government quality and foster nationalism and lead to political disintegration, as exemplified by the recent rise of secessionism or by the crisis of the EU. The Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) invites submission of papers for the Workshop on Political Economy and Fiscal Federalism: “Economic Shocks, Government Quality and Political Disintegration”. Possible paper topics include, but are not limited to political fragmentation and polarisation, selection of politicians, political norms and institutional legitimacy, accountability v. state capacity, secessionism and political unions, federalism and local government.

Deadline: April 7th, 2017. More information HERE.

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