Álbums, collections, libraries, and cabinets

Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació
Universitat de Barcelona
c/ Aribau, 2, 5è pis, 08011 Barcelona
El seminari "Álbumes, colecciones, bibliotecas y gabinetes" es proposa analitzar objectes i espais concrets que caracteritzen la cultura de fin de segle des del estudis de materialitat, celebritat, gènere i sexualitat. El seminari, The Seminar "Álbumes, colecciones, bibliotecas y gabinetes" aims to analyse specific objects and spaces that characterise the fin-de-siècle culture through the study of materiality, celebrity, gender and sexuality. The seminar, coordinated by Helena González Fernández, Myriam Mallard (ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona) and Rodrigo Herrera Alfaya (Universidade de Vigo), brings together specialists in literary studies and philosophy of culture. Així À. Lorena Fuster (Seminari Filosofia i Gènere-ADHUC, Universitat de Barcelona) and Vanesa Miseres (University of Notre Dame) will focus on Clotilde Cerdà's albums. Researchers from the GIMA project will also participate, such as Isabel Clúa (ADHUC-Universidad de Sevilla), Inés Corujo (NYC College of Technology CUNY), Flavie Fouchard (Universidad de Sevilla), María Teresa Vera Rojas (ADHUC-Universitat de les Illes Balears) and Antonio Terrón (ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona). The guest lecturer is the Mexican artist Shaday Larios, who has carried out research and brought to the stage her proposal for the theatre of objects.
The seminar will have a hybrid format (face-to-face and online). Those who wish to attend online must register in advance.
This activity is a result of the funded projects GIMA i MUVAN founded by MICIU/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and by FEDER, UE.