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Mirada y creación. La pintura en la obra de María Zambrano

Friday May 8, 2015 from 10h to 14h
Sala d'actes, Facultat de Belles Arts, Universitat de Barcelona, c/ Pau Gargallo 4 - 08028 Barcelona
Info (472.01 KB)

The seminar "Mirada y creación. La pintura en la obra de María Zambrano", coorganized by the Painting Department and the Seminari Filosofia i Gènere at the Universitat de Barcelona, presents the well-known relationship between the philosopher and pictoral creativity. This is especially reflected in her work Algunos lugares de la pintura, in which diverse values and concepts are masterfully represented, along with her relationship to several famous fine artists of the time; values that, far from losing relevance, are fundamental and necessary to the contemporary moment. The act will include the participation of Antonio Castilla (Universitat de Barcelona), Camen Revilla and Rosa Rius Gatell (Seminari Filosofia i Gènere).

Antonio Castilla Cerezo,
Carmen Revilla Guzmán,
Rosa Rius Gatell
Departament de Pintura, UB;
Seminari María Zambrano