Possible feminist disagreements over consent

Friday 24th November 2023, from 9h30 to 14h
Aula 2.6, Edifici Aulari Josep Carner
Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació
Universitat de Barcelona
Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació
Universitat de Barcelona
Face-to-face and virtual event. Registration is required.
Assistència per invitació
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The ADHUC research centre and a group of individual female magistrates convene an interdisciplinary seminar "Possibles desacords feministes entorn del consentiment", in which they will read, reflect and debate on sexual consent. The speakers will be the magistrates Nekane Sanmiguel (retired) and Àngels Vivas Larruy (president of the criminal appeal section of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia), and Clara Serra (ADHUC-Theory, Gender, Sexuality Research Centre). The audience will be provided with readings in advance so that they can actively participate in the discussions. Attendance is by invitation upon request.
Nekane San Miguel,
Clara Serra,
Àngels Vivas
ADHUC-Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat / Càtedra UNESCO Dones, Desenvolupament i Cultures