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Hemeroteca Feminista Galega: A muller e a loita


A Saia. Publicacións periódicas feministas has recently published its 4th volume, as an online anthology entitled A muller e a loita. This volume includes issues number 2, 7, 8, 17 and 19, written secretly by members of the organization Movemento Democrático de Mulleres in Vigo from 1971 to 1976. It also includes two monographic studies about the 1976 elections, in an attempt to verbalize the amnesty, and the social, educational and labour problems Galician women had to face during the Francoist repression. All the headings of the online library give access to the different issues of the journal, to all their contents and summaries (both brief and extended). The documentation team for this volume consists of Kike Benlloch (IT engineer) and Miguel Alonso Fachado (graphic designer), and has been coordinated and edited by Helena González Fernández (ADHUC) and Mariam Mariño Costales (Consello da Cultura Galega). These editions were made possible because of an agreement between the Consello da Cultura Galega - Comisión de Igualdade and the Research Centre ADHUC, to encourage research on gender and sexualities studies in relation with Galician culture.