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Donna Haraway dialogues with Marta Segarra


The volume Donna Haraway dialogues with Marta Segarra is now out. This book includes the conversation between Donna Haraway (University of Santa Cruz-California) and Marta segarra (ADHUC and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) which ended the CCCB series of debates on thought in 2018, “After the End of the World”. The dialogue approaches some of the ideas presented by Haraway in her book Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene, which include: how feminisms have contributed to think differently, not only about women and gender, but also about the planet, and what role women play when it comes to making the Earth more inhabitable; the need to safeguard a more integral and less binary world, and to learn how to both inhabit the world and configure new worlds. This book also suggests a reconfiguring of kinship structures to include “odd kin”, defending solidarity bonds which consider response-ability toward each other, and refusing to think this to be an exclusively human option.