Gender and Sexualities: Rhetorics and Politics (2012)

Initiated through the Preliminary Action with the same title, founded by the AECID in 2010, the Integrated Action for scientific and institutional reinforcement "Gender and Sexualities: Rhetorics and Politics" aims to encourage a wide range of research and innovation on gender and sexuality studies. It aims to promote a stable bond between the four participating institutions –the Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina) and Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco (Mexico)–, with the aim of developing an interdisciplinary and interinstitutional space which should enable both a reflection on cultural processes and practices from a gender perspective, as well as scientific exchange and cooperation at all levels. In consequence, the Action is presented as a joint program of teaching and research activities to be developed within one year with the possibility of expanding to four.
General Objectives
- Implant an interdisciplinary and interinstitutional space to reflect on cultural processes from a gender perspective.
- Analyze the impact of culture on the constitution of gender identities.
- Promote the development of theoretical and methodological tools, and carry out cultural and research activities from the perspective of gender.
Specific Objectives
- Plan the development of the scientific contents (scheduling of teaching activities, research projects, activities of transference of knowledge and dissemination of I+D, publications, etc.).
- Improve academic management in the development of postgraduate programs.
- Plan the development of structural activities (presentation of competitive projects in international spheres, etc.).
- Facilitate the mobility of researchers amongst the four institutions, with the aim of determining a collaborative action plan and promote scientific exchange.