Neemias Santos da Rosa

Artsoundscapes team member Neemias Santos

Senior Postdoctoral Researcher

Keywords: experimental archaeology; post-Paleolithic rock art; chaîne opératoire; acoustics; Iberian Peninsula.

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Neemias Santos da Rosa is an archaeologist working on experimental archaeology and prehistoric art. Throughout his professional career, he has been researching the technological, social and symbolic aspects of post-Paleolithic rock art of the Iberian Peninsula.

During his MA studies at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal), he analyzed the typological and technical aspects of the Tagus Valley’s rock art engravings (2012). Afterwards, during his PhD at the University Rovira i Virgili (Spain), he developed extensive research on the chaîne opératoire involved in the production of the Levantine rock art paintings (2019).


Santos da Rosa also worked for many years in Brazil, collaborating with university institutions and participating in numerous archaeological projects and fieldworks in all regions of the country.

He currently holds a Junior Postdoctoral Researcher position at the ARTSOUNDSCAPES Project, working on the characterization of the acoustic properties of rock art landscapes.


Santos da Rosa, N. (2020). Tecnología rupestre: una perspectiva teórico-metodológica para el estudio del arte levantino. In: R. Viñas (Coord.), I Jornades Internacionals d’Art Rupestre de l’Arc Mediterrani de la Península Ibèrica. XXè Aniversari de la Declaració de Patrimoni Mundial. Montblanc: Ajuntament de Montblanc y Museu Arqueòlogic de Catalunya, pp. 481-496.

Santos da Rosa, N. (2019). La tecnología del arte rupestre levantino. Cuadernos de Arte Prehistórico 7, pp. 120-146.

Viñas, R.; Royo, J. I.; Latorre, B; Rubio, A.; Santos da Rosa, N. (2019). Arte levantino en la depresión central del Ebro: El Abrigo de La Foz de Zafrané I, La Puebla de Albortón (Campo de Belchite, Zaragoza). Cuadernos de Arte Prehistórico 7, pp. 72-119.

Viñas, R.; Rubio, A.; Ruiz, J.; Vaquero, M.; Vallverdú, J.; Rowe, M.; Santos da Rosa, N. (2016). Investigación cronoestratigráfica en el conjunto rupestre de la Sierra de la Pietat: abrigos de Ermites I y IV (Ulldecona, Tarragona, Catalunya). Cuadernos de Arte Prehistórico 2, pp. 70-85.

Rubio, A.; Vñas, R.; Arroyo, J.; Quijada, C. ; Menendez, B. ; Santos da Rosa, N. (2016). A ritual space with paintings and engravings in La Calera rock art site, Carboca, Sonora (Mexico). In: E. Anati (Ed.), Intellectual and Spiritual Expression of Non-literate Peoples. Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain). Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 273-288.