Discover all the news related to our project in press, TV, and radio
Our director has received the Ramón Menéndez Pidal National Research Award 2021 from King Felipe VI for her research career in the field of archaeology
5 May 2022.
Artsoundscapes PI, ICREA Research Professor Margarita Díaz-Andreu, is selected as one of the scientist innovators on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
11 December 2022. FECYT webpage
Artsoundscapes PI, ICREA Research Professor Margarita Díaz-Andreu, is selected for the Ramón Menéndez Pidal National Award 2021.
24 November 2021. Daily News
Dr Neemias Santos da Rosa talks at the El Extraordinario podcast “La historia del eco: de las cavernas a tu ducha”
20 May 2021. El Extraordinario
“El sonido del Arte Rupestre. Investigadores de Barcelona estudian la riqueza cultural y arqueológica de Moratalla”
10 october 2020, La Opinión de Murcia
Article on Artsoundscapes project in La Opinión de Murcia newspaper
“Moratalla celebra el Día Europeo del Arte Rupestre”
8 October 2020. El Diario de Murcia
Newspaper piece of news in which the Artsoundscapes project is mentioned.
“Fingerprints help identify age and sex of prehistoric painters in southern Spain. Researchers studied the Neolithic rock art in the Los Machos rockshelter”
9 september 2020. The Art Newspaper
Comments made PI Margarita Díaz-Andreu are mentioned in this article: Garry Shaw
Taking soundings in Teotihuacan
22 June 2020. The Economist
The Principal Investigator of the Artsoundscapes Project, Margarita Díaz-Andreu, is mentioned among the archaeologists who currently undertake research on ancient soundscapes.
Artsoundscapes was mentioned in the international weekly magazine The Economist
6 June, 2020. The Economist
On a weekly basis, the paper can reach up to 5.1 million readers, across its print and digital runs.
Arqueología del sonido en los abrigos de la Pietat: en busca de la influencia acústica en la localización del arte rupestre
23 June, 2019. Agència Catalana de Notícies
Four articles written by journalist Jordi Marsal from the Agència Catalana de Notícies about the fieldwork research that the members of the Artsoundscapes project carried out at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Abrics de l’Ermita in Ulldecona (southern Catalonia, Spain).
Más allá del sonido
9 December, 2018. Bulletin of the Catalan Association of Telecommunication Engineers
Analizando la acústica de los paisajes de arte rupestre prehistórico.
Arqueólogos del presente
13 December 2018. MG Magazine
An article published in the latest issue of MG Magazine, features several archaeologists whose research is ground-breaking and impacting both the scientific world and our everyday lives. Among them the work by Margarita Díaz-Andreu is mentioned..
9 October 2020: ‘Exposiciones, jornadas de puertas abiertas y actividades para celebrar el Día del Arte Rupestre’. Radio Onda Regional (Murcia)
The project principal investigator Margarita Díaz-Andreu explained about the Artsoundscapes project in the ‘Terricoles programme’ of betevé channel, being interviewed by Lluís Reales..