
A resolution records a decision. It generally responds to an application and may end a particular administrative procedure.


  • Identification of the document. Identify the document with a reference number. If the resolution is especially long or complex, it may be appropriate to add a short title by way of summary.

  • Background. List the facts and the various steps that have been taken since the beginning of the process and any regulations that might affect the decision. Introduce them with the expression considering in bold, capital letters followed by a colon, and write each statement on a new line. If there are two statements or more, number them.

    Exemple adequatCONSIDERING:

    1. On 15 October, Anita Smith sent an application asking to be refunded the sum of €225.

    2. From the documents provided, it is clear that Ms Smith made the payment as stated.

    3. Mobility students are entitled to free tuition in Catalan, in accordance with the official list of fees.

  • Resolution. Introduce this section with the formula I resolve in bold, capital letters and followed by a colon, and briefly state the decision taken, in full sentences.

    Exemple adequatI RESOLVE:

    Ms Smith is to be refunded the sum of €225.

  • Signature. This section includes the signature, full name and position of the signatory, in this order.

    Exemple adequatImatge sense text alternatiu definit

    Maria Sales Llopis
    Coordinator of the Language Services

  • Place and date. End the resolution with the name of the town or city where the document will be signed and the date.

    Exemple adequatBarcelona, 29 October 2021



Darrera actualització: 29-9-2022
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Recommended citation:
«Resolution» [en línia]. A: Llibre d’estil de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics. <> [consulta: 19 setembre 2024].
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