An ethical publication of research

The publication of the research is one of the imperatives of the academic career. The publication of the research is one of the obligations of the academic career. It is a fundamental element to evaluate professors and researchers; therefore, the consequence is that it increases the need to publish as much as possible in journals that are considered to be of higher quality..

Lluís Codina analyzes this reality in “Artículos científicos: quién puede firmarlos y en qué orden. Ética y pragmatismo de la publicación académica”, where he delves into two aspects:
– Who can and should appear as a co-author in scientific articles.
– The order of the signatures and what each position means

It is based on the activity developed by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which offers advice to publishers and publishers on all aspects of publishing ethics and, in particular, how to handle cases of research and publication misconduct.

The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) promotes core practices and makes available materials, as well as the guide “Cooperation between research institutions and journals where research integrity houses: guidance from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)“.