We are starting from the cumulative experience gained in the previous projects Claustra and Spiritual Landscapes , along with the potentiality of the spatial turn developed, while also opening ourselves up to new challenges:
• We are examining the monastic landscape by studying materiality in all its complexity (objects and uses, interactions with actors and in its spaces)
• We are prioritising research based on innovative systems of representation and virtualisation.
Where space is also:
• a meeting point between the material and the spiritual;
• a point to shed light on the sexualised power and socioeconomic relations of the monastic phenomenon.
Monastic Landscapes is divided into four lines of research:
• Cartography of materiality: Virtual library of artefacts
• Intangible urban landscapes: Monastic cartographya
• The lived landscape: Topography of objects
• Ephemeral materialities: Performances and re-enactments
The scholarly output from each line of research will have a digital expression that will take shape in different products (maps, topographies, databases, etc.) and in publications and other scholarly activities.
We will disseminate our activities via the news and social media.