GamiTIC Project – (RTI2018-096489-B-I00)

January 2019 – September 2022

Gamification and ICT for the development of communicative competence in the teaching of foreign languages: analysis of didactic interventions

This research project aims to delve into the analysis of gamified educational proposals that use ICT in the field of foreign language teaching and how they influence the development of students’ communicative competence. To do this, after completing a teacher training course on gamification and the use of ICT in the foreign language classroom, an analysis of the implementations of the gamified teaching units designed by the language teachers attending the course will be carried out following a DBR. Recording the classes under the methodological parameters of educational ethnography will allow analyzing the gamified didactic proposals, the performance of the teacher in its implementation process and the activities carried out by the students. In addition, the perception of teachers and students can also be analyzed, based on a series of questionnaires and interviews with the participants, in relation to the gamified didactic proposals with the use of ICT and gamification in general. Thus, the different analyzes proposed in this research project will allow us to know in depth how teachers carry out gamified didactic interventions, the interrelation between the development of communicative competence, the use of ICT and gamification in the foreign language classroom. and, ultimately, to offer a better understanding of the pedagogical possibilities of this methodological strategy.