Josep Maria Salvany

Complete address:

Departament d’Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental
ETS Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports de Barcelona
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
08034 Barcelona
Tel. 0034 93 401 72 55

Grup de recerca: Sedimentary Geology

Main research interest:

  • Sedimentary Geology of evaporite rocks

Main publications:

  • PÉREZ-ASENSIO, J.N., LARRASOAÑA, J.C., SAMANKASSOU, E., SIERRO, F.J., GARCÍA-CASTELLANOS, D., JIMÉNEZ-MORENO, G., SALAZAR, A., SALVANY, J.M., LEDESMA, S., MATA, M.P., CIVIS, J., MEDIAVILLA, C., 2018. Magnetobiochronology of lower Pliocene marine sediments from the lower Guadalquivir Basin: insights into the tectonic evolution of the Strain of Gibraltar area. Geological Society of America Bulletin 130(11-12): 1791-1808.
  • ORTÍ, F., SALVANY, J.M., ROSELL, L., CASTELLTORT, X., INGLÈS, M., PLAYÀ, E., 2018. Middle Triassic evaporite sedimentation in the Catalan basin: Implications for the paleogeographic evolution in the NE Iberian platform. Sedimentary Geology 374: 158-178
  • SALVANY, J.M., 2017. Las formaciones yesíferas del Triásico Superior y Jurásico Inferior de Camarasa, en el frente Surpirenaico Catalán. Estudios Geológicos 73(2): e070
  • ORTÍ, F., PÉREZ-LÓPEZ, A., SALVANY, J.M., 2017. Triassic evaporites of Iberia: sedimentological and palaeogeographical implications for the western Neotethys evolution during the Middle Triassic-earliest Jurassic. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 471: 157-180
  • FILBÀ, M., SALVANY, J.M., JUBANY, J., CARRASCO, L., 2016. Tunnel boring machine collision with an ancient boulder beach during the excavation of the Barcelona city subway L10 line: A case of adverse geology and resulting engineering solutions. Engineering Geology 200: 31-46
  • GUINEA, A., PLAYÀ, E., RIVERO, L. & SALVANY, J.M., 2014. Geoelectrical prospection of glauberite deposits in the Ebro Basin (Spain). Engineering Geology 174: 73-86
  • SALVANY, J.M., 2013. Análisis y correlación de sondeos mecánicos en los depósitos miocenos de Montjuïc (Barcelona): implicaciones estructurales. Estudios Geológicos 69(2): 149-171
  • ORTÍ, F., ROSELL, L., PLAYÀ, E. & SALVANY J.M., 2012. Meganodular anhydritization: a new mechanism of gypsum to anhydrite conversion (Palaeogene-Neogene, Ebro Basin, North-east Spain). Sedimentology, 59: 1257-1277
  • SALVANY, J.M., LARRASOAÑA, J.C., MEDIAVILLA, C. & REBOLLO, A., 2011. Chronology and tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Upper Pliocene to Quaternary deposits of the lower Guadalquivir foreland basin, SW Spain. Sedimentary Geology, 241: 22-39
  • SALVANY, J.M., MEDIAVILLA, C. & REBOLLO, A., 2010: Las formaciones Plio-Cuaternarias de El Abalario, en el litoral de la provincia de Huelva. Estudios Geológicos, 66(2): 209-225
  • SALVANY, J.M., 2009: Geología del yacimiento glauberítico de Montes de Torrero (Zaragoza). Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 80 pp
  • SALVANY, J.M., GARCÍA-VEIGAS, J. & ORTÍ, F., 2007. Glauberite-halite association of the Zaragoza Gypsum Formation (Lower Miocene, Ebro Basin, NE Spain). Sedimentology, 54: 443-467 
  • RÖTTING, T.S., CARRERA, J., BOLZICCO, J. & SALVANY, J.M., 2006. Stream-stage response tests and their joint interpretation with pumping tests. Ground Water, 44-3: 371-385
  • ORTÍ, F. & SALVANY, J.M., 2004. Coastal saline evaporites of the Triassic-Liassic boundary in the Iberian Peninsula: the Alacón borehole. Geologica Acta, 2: 291-304 
  • SALVANY, J.M.; CARRERA, J.; BOLZICCO, J. & MEDIAVILLA, C., 2004. Pitfalls in the geological characterization of alluvial deposits: site investigation for reactive barrier installation at Aznalcóllar, Spain. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 37: 141-154 
  • SALVANY, J.M. & BASTIDA, J., 2004. Análisis litoestratigráfico del Keuper surpirenaico central. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 17: 3-26 
  • SALVANY, J.M., 2004. Tilting neotectonics of the Guadiamar drainage basin, SW Spain. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 29: 145-160
  • SALVANY, J.M., 1999. Diapirismo triásico antiguo y reciente en el anticlinal de Canelles, Sierras Marginales Catalanas (Zona Surpirenaica central). Revista de la Socieadad Geológica de España, 12: 149-163 
  • INGLÈS, M.; SALVANY, J.M.; MUÑOZ, A. & PÉREZ, A., 1998. Relationship of mineralogy to depositional environments in the non-marine Tertiary mudstones of the southeastern Ebro basin (Spain). Sedimentary Geology, 116: 159-176
  • SALVANY, J.M., 1997. Continental evaporitic sedimentation in Navarra during the Oligocene to Lower Miocene: Falces and Lerín Formations. In G.Busson and Ch.Schreiber edts. Sedimentary deposition in rift and foreland basins in France and Spain (Paleogene and Lower Miocene). Columbia University Press: 397-411 
  • SALVANY, J.M. & ORTÍ, F., 1997. Glauberite deposits of the Lerín Formation (Lower Miocene: Alcanadre zone, La Rioja-Navarra). In G.Busson and Ch.Schreiber edts. Sedimentary deposition in rift and foreland basins in France and Spain (Paleogene and Lower Miocene). Columbia University Press: 412-419 
  • ORTÍ, F. & SALVANY, J.M., 1997 Continental evaporitic sedimentation in the Ebro Basin during the Miocene. In G.Busson and Ch.Schreiber edts. Sedimentary deposition in rift and foreland basins in France and Spain (Paleogene and Lower Miocene). Columbia University Press: 420-429 
  • ORTÍ, F., ROSELL, L., FALLICK, A., INGLÈS, M. & SALVANY, J.M., 1997. Chert in continental evaporites of the Ebro and Calatayud Basins (Spain): Distribution and Significance. In: A.Ramos & M.A.Bustillo eds., Siliceos Rocks and Cultures, Publ. Universidad de Granada: 75-89.
  • SALVANY, J.M.; GARCÍA-VERA, M.A. &  SAMPER, J., 1995. Geología e hidrogeología de la zona endorreica de Bujaraloz-Sástago (Monegros, provincias de Zaragoza y Huesca). Acta Geol. Hispánica, 30: 31-50 
  • SALVANY, J.M. & CUSTODIO, E., 1995. Características litoestratigráficas de los depósitos cuaternarios del Bajo Guadalquivir en el área de Doñana: implicaciones hidrogeológicas. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 8: 21-31
  • SALVANY, J.M.; MUÑOZ, A. &  PÉREZ, A., 1994. Nonmarine evaporitic sedimentation and associated diagenetic processes of the southwestern margin of the Ebro Basin (lower Miocene), Spain. Journal of Sedimentary Research, A64, 2: 190-203 
  • SALVANY, J.M. & ORTÍ, F., 1994. Miocene glauberite deposits of Alcanadre, Ebro Basin, Spain: sedimentary and diagenetic processes. In R.W. Renaut & W.M. Last edts. Sedimentology and geochemistry of modern and ancien saline lakes, SEPM Special Publ. 50: 203
  • CALVET, F., SOLÉ DE PORTA, N. & SALVANY, J.M., 1993. Cronoestratigrafía (palinología) del Triásico Sudpirenaica y del Pirineo Vasco-Cantábrico. Acta Geológica Hispànica, 28(4): 33- 48 
  • ORTÍ, F. & SALVANY, J.M., Eds. 1990. Formaciones evaporíticas de la Cuenca del Ebro y cadenas periféricas, y de la zona de Levante. ENRESA-GPPG, Universitat de Barcelona.
  • SALVANY, J.M., 1989. Los sistemas lacustres evaporíticos del sector navarro-riojano de la Cuenca del Ebro durante el Oligoceno y Mioceno inferior. Acta Geológica Hispánica, 24: 231-241
  • SALVANY, J.M. &  ORTÍ, F., 1987. El Keuper de los Catalánides. Cuadernos de Geología Ibérica, 11: 215-236