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Identidade e xénero desde unha perspectiva interdisciplinaria

From May 9 to 11, 2016
Uniwersytet Warszawski
CFP Castellano (173.05 KB)
CFP Galego (172.65 KB)
CFP English (174.19 KB)
Programa e resumos (355.69 KB)
Final program

The final program of the internatinal symposium "Identidade e xénero en Galicia desde unha perspectiva multidisciplinaria" has been published. The symposium, coorganized by the Centre Dona i Literatura, will be held at Uniwersytet Warszawski from May 9 to 11, 2016. Among other participants, the program includes the interventions of Helena González, director of Centre Dona i Literatura, María Xosé Agra and Dolores Vilavedra (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), Beatriz Suárez Briones (Universidade de Vigo). The planned activities include an exhibition of the sculptor Francisco R. Remiseiro.



Call for papers

The Centre Dona i Literatura is collaborating with the Symposium "Identidade e xénero en Galicia desde unha perspectiva multidisciplinaria", organized by the University of Warsaw. Gender and sexuality studies have provided major theoretical tools for the construction of those identities defined in the margins and fringes and, at the same time, studies on globalization have driven their theoretical positions towards these alleged margins. Thus, minority identities have become central for studies analysing identity constructions within transcultural contexts. The Symposium, which will have as its keynote speakers Helena González Fernández (Universitat de Barcelona), María Xosé Agra and Dolores Vilavedra (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), among others, will tackle all these questions. Papers can be sent for consideration until December 15, 2015. 

Maria Boguszewicz,
Ana Garrido González
María Xosé Agra,
Carmen Fernández Pérez-Sanjulián,
Helena González Fernández,
Tadeusz Miłkowski ,
Francisco R. Remiseiro,
Beatriz Suárez Briones ,
Dolores Vilavedra
Instytut Studiów Iberyjskich i Iberoamerykańskich, Uniwersytet Warszawski;
Centro de Estudos Galegos de Varsovia
In collaboration with
Centro de Estudos Galegos de Kiel;
Consello da Cultura Galega;
Centre Dona i Literatura;
Càtedra UNESCO Dones / ADHUC-Recerca, Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat