From sea to sea. Women's press in Catalonia and Portugal (1867-1917)

Monday June 13, 2022
Sala del Professorat
Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació
Universitat de Barcelona
c/ Aribau, 2, 5è pis - 08007 Barcelona
Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació
Universitat de Barcelona
c/ Aribau, 2, 5è pis - 08007 Barcelona
(341.33 KB)
María Xesús Lama and Elena Losada (ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona) coordinate the International Conference "From sea to sea. Women's press in Catalonia and Portugal (1867-1917)," linked to the #GenViPreF project. The aim of the conference is to share and discuss the results of the research carried out so far on violence in the women's press, with particular reference to the contributions of Feminal and Antonia Opisso. In addition to the coordinators, Santiago Díaz Lage (UNED), Rosa Oliveros (Universitat de Barcelona) and Akiko Tsuchiya (Washington University) will also participate.
Open attendance except for the session reserved for the project's team.
María Xesús Lama,
Elena Losada Soler
Santiago Díaz Lage,
Rosa Oliveros,
Akiko Tsuchiya
ADHUC-Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat / Càtedra UNESCO Dones;
Grup de Recerca Consolidat Creació i pensament de les dones (2021 SGR 01097);
Proyecto #GenViPreF PID2020-113138GB-100 MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033