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María Xesús Lama López

Universitat de Barcelona
Estudis Gallecs i Portuguesos, Dept. de Llengües i Literatures Modernes i d'Estudis Anglesos
CV Resumo en galego (87.25 KB)

PI's research project Gender, violence and representation. Creative texts in the peninsular women’s press (1848-1918)

María Xesús LAMA LÓPEZ is full professor of Galician and Portuguese Studies at the Universitat de Barcelona and researcher at ADHUC-Research Centre for Theory, Gender and Sexuality. Her research focuses on contemporary Galician literature, especially on gender perspective, the literature of the Rexurdimento and his configuration of a national imaginary, literature of emigration and exile and women in crime novels. She received the 2018th National Essay Prize for her biography of Rosalía de Castro. She is a member of the project "La historiografía literaria en la España de los siglos XIX y XX (castellano, catalán, euskera y gallego)" and co-director of the journal Abriu. Textuality Studies on Brasil, Galicia and Portugal.

Text reported by the researcher

ADHUC—Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat / Càtedra UNESCO Dones, desenvolupament i cultures: investigadora / researcher (16/06/2016 -)